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Harvi's p.o.v-

The unknown man before me was waiting patiently for me to answer him as if I owe him some kind of explanation, that irritated me a lot.

"Why do you want to know?" I tried to ask politely but came out forcibly making the man standing before me chuckle as if he knows something I don't.

"You're Harvi. Aren't you!" My eyes widened with shock. How did he know? We haven't even seen each other before.

"Who.. Who are you?" I asked, perplexed.

"Just a beautiful man with beautiful metallic cobalt eyes." He chuckled out loud when he saw how my whole face twisted in embarrassment. I might have said those words aloud, unknowingly.


"Don't worry your secret's safe with me, Harvi. Hope to see you soon." His cobalt eyes were mysterious and filled with unknown light. He left, leaving me puzzled.

I turned around and jumped in terror when I saw Yulip sat wide awake on her bed with her mouth open. She looked like a dead man came back to life.

"You scared me."

"How?" She said instead..


"How?" She asked again.

"What how? " I asked her.

"How, Harvi, how?" She asked again, making me frustrated.

"What is wrong with people today?" I started to feel a headache.

"How come he was here?" Yulip ignored me.

"Huh? What do you mean? Who was he?" I began to feel Yulip was sleep-talking.

"You don't know? Of course you don't know. But how come he was here? It hasn't happened before, ever. He really talked to one of us. He knows how to laugh. His laugh is so beautiful. It wasn't a dream. Was it? He was really here. " Yulip was muttering to herself.

"Yulip, Yulip. Listen to me." I banged on the iron rods that were separating our adjoining quarters.

"Yes, Harvi what?" Yulip looked at me wide eyed.

"Who Was He?" I asked her, pressing my face on the iron rods so that she wouldn't ignore my question this time.

"Prince Dahlan." I was shaking.

"No he wasn't." I denied, a new fear began to seep through my guts.

"He was. The man you were talking to or rather questioning was Prince Dahlan, younger brother of Crown Prince Nikos of Trilia." She said matter of factly.

I wanted to curse myself. Fuck the public bathroom. I am never leaving the quarters again.

"But how could he be Prince? He wasn't wearing shining robes or jewels. He didn't even punish me for running into him." I panicked.

"Holy sunflower! What did you say? He is a prince, Harvi. You don't realize since you are new here but you have broken many rules and protocols and he can dress however he wants" Yulip swore.

"I... I ran into him on my way back to the quarter from the public bathroom." Yulip cursed out loudly and I cringed internally. She never swears or curses.

"Do you have a death wish? Maybe you do. Because nobody goes against the Second Prince's orders and nobody matches gaze with the Princes either. Forgive me, Harvi but I still think you're just born blessed because not even Prince Dahlan let maids and slaves go without punishing them severly for meeting his eyes without his permission." Yulip looked like she couldn't believe herself she was still me seeing me in one piece.

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