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Harvi's p.o.v-

The Imperial Palace decked up like a newly bride. To celebrate the Great Emperor's birthday, every royals of Qagghar Kingdom make their presence with rare gifts from all over the world, not only that many rival kingdoms came together to wish the Great Emperor for his long life.

The birthday celebration rumoured to go on for weeks if not for months. Assigned servants quickly cleaned and decorated the halls while I walked the corridors, holding my ink and parchment paper in hands.

"Harvi." Nelli excitedly ran towards me.

"Nelli." I instantly took her in my arms.

"You look so well." She complimented my new pale blue woollen coat and furry cap.

"Thank you." I replied. Since Orvel was closely standing next to me I turned to her and spoke.

"Can I talk with my friend for a while?" I asked her and she nodded her head. She scurried off to the farthest corner where she could watch me but can't listen to my conversation. I passed Orvel an appreciative smile.

"Woah, what is Orvel doing here?" Nelli asked, perplexed.

"Nevermind, Tell me how are you?" She asked again.

"I am fine, how are you and others?" I smiled.

"Oh, I almost froze to an ice cube the other day because Kiva couldn't decide which berry he wanted to pluck from the gardens but other than that I am doing great. Yulip is attending Queen Kilia till her stay here, while Pelli... is commanded to serve Prince Zion of Irkans." Nelli's voice dimmed a little.

"Who is he?" I asked, I didn't like how Nelli fidgeted nervously.

"He is the younger brother of Princess Elixia; betrothed to Crown Prince Nikos. He really doesn't have a very charming reputation to uphold." Nelli said with a muted voice.

"Do any of the royals have a charming reputation to begin with?" I wondered.

"No, I mean yes, you're right. But Prince Zion holds equally brutal status as the Second Prince if not more. Prince Zion also doesn't like to keep many servants but when he does they often don't make it out alive." She said nervously.

"Pelli isn't safe in his hands." I felt my blood boil.

"Nelli, you have to take me somewhere." I asked her.

Off we went to the chimney where there was natural ventilation built up. Nelli has lived here all of her life; she knew the secret passageways and obviously the way to peek inside chambers. I had to ask Orvel to fetch me my scarf, coat and gloves from the Zades' Palace, it wasn't an easy task to send her off though, Nelli and I had to put on a show to accidentally spill water on my dress so that we can peacefully go and spy on Zion and Pelli.

The tower became narrower the more steps we took upwards. When steps finally ended we began crawling towards the maze-like structure. If Nelli wasn't present with me I would have suffocated and died in the cold, dark and closed space that we were crawling onto. Light and whispers came through the iron grille at every corner of the maze.

"This way." Nelli began moving towards the small iron grille while I tried to keep up with her surprisingly fast pace.

"There they are." I couldn't see Nelli's face due to darkness even when she was cramped beside me and looking through the grille. She spoke in a light whisper.

Zion's chamber was exceptionally well kept and spacious though it was dimly lit and lacked the warmness of comfort and peace. He didn't look much older than Zades, he had long golden brown hair and striking baby blue eyes. He seemed to be smirking at Pelli.

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