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Harvi's p.o.v-

Lady Nesta couldn't make it. She lost too much blood when she finally got medical help. I on the other hand came down with a severe fever. My body felt like a hot furnace, my hands and feet remained icy cold. No matter how many layers of blankets I would be inside, I was still feeling cold but somehow sweating. 

On the fourteenth day, when my fever refused to come down, Zades decided it was enough.

"What kind of a practitioner you're? When you can't bring down a fever?" I was laying with my eyes set on the same blue and white ceiling. Too weak to turn by my side. Many times maids would help me to turn and many times Zades would himself lift me up to sit and lay. 

In these fourteen days, I heard many people come and go. Sometimes, Zades would hold his meetings here, sometimes he called his concubines here. I would hear many noises and sounds that have scarred me for the rest of my life. I heard people's begging when he mercilessly ordered his soldiers to take them away, to kill them probably.

"This subject means no ill, My Noble Prince but miss has developed a certain fear and that is what causing the fever to not to come down. Her body is already weak due to the previous…… accidents and isn't accepting the concoction and tonics that I have been giving to her." A very calm and serene voice spoke. 

"Fear? What fear?" Zades's voice echoed. 

"That I can't tell but I will suggest that you let her out in the open for an hour or two. Fresh air can do wonders to one's body."

In my mind I was thanking the good old soul of the Imperial Surgeon. I begged him with my eyes to let me out. I was afraid he would tell on me or he would simply ignore the signs but the Imperial Surgeon really tried to help me. My heart soared because of his kindness. 

"Do you take me for a fool? What if she runs away? She is a wildling, she wouldn't wait for two seconds to try to escape." Zades snapped so hard, I feared for the Imperial Surgeon's life. 

"And where would she go? She can hardly stand on her own, let alone run and Your royal highness, your soldiers won't let her escape even if she dares." Zades stayed silent longer than a minute while I was praying for him to agree. 

"What time do you suggest for her to be out?" 



"You're looking much better." Yulip said with a smile. 

Zades allowed me to sit in one of his many gardens for an hour in the morning and in the evening as he wanted his personal slave to be alright soon. I was doing much better after that.

"You would too if you get out of hell hole after fifteen days." I couldn't help but speak my mind. 

"Harvi, don't say that loudly. You never know who is creeping behind those bushes." Yulip said nervously. 

"I have seen how soldiers and guards aren't much to be worried about. The royals are the real snitches here." I said remembering how concubines tried to frame each other rather sweetly. 

"You must be rather bold to say that. Harvi, I have been here for six years and I have never spoken in a way like you speak." I could see the admiration shining in Yulip's eyes. 

"I am not bold. I am just saying what's the truth. If only I were bold enough I would have thrust my sword where Zades's heart is still pumping." Yulip gasped loudly. 

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