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Harvi's p.o.v-

I opened my eyes to find the large trees looming over me, I felt myself bound, my mind was still foggy, eyes still cloudy. I couldn't immediately point out what was happening to me, I only knew that I was struggling to breath and had to unbind myself anyhow.

I gave myself some time to recover from the shock and the terror that I was going through. I didn't want to fall into an abyss of fear which would only suck me into a state of paralysis. I tried to stay as calm as possible when I heard laughter and the sound of fire burning loudly. I was still in the jungle and from the way I was bound I got a feeling my kidnappers weren't in a hurry to take me anywhere.

"The wildling bitch is still sleeping. I wouldn't have touch her with a fucking pole if it was upto me." A raspy voice called out and burst into laughter.

"I wouldn't either, but she has got some nice derriere." Another voice spoke with a loud chuckle.

"Oh, we need to bid our time and then we would get rid of her and get our money and disappear from this freezing land." A man spoke with irritation.

"Milan, go and check if the wildling bitch is awake.

I quickly shut my eyes and made my breathing more relaxed. The man approached me and poke my head with his index finger aggressively.

"She is still out." He screamed back.

"Is she dead? Arlel, have you accidentally kill her?" I heard a slight panicked voice.

"I haven't."

"Don't make unnecessary noises, you bastards. We wait till evening if the Wildling bitch wakes up then we shall carry on with our plan and if not then we shall leave her here, and then we shall take our rewards and get the fuck out of here. The bitch is dead anyway, it doesn't matter who kills her first." A throaty voice spoke out in a dismissive tone.

My breathing became denser in realization, these were the men that were sent for me to kidnap. They couldn't care less if I end up dead with my head cut open and still slightly bleeding out or make it out alive somehow in this freezing cold with my bloodied head wound. This was another thing that got me slightly worried, the bigger problem was I knew Zades had to be looking for me and sooner or later he would find me if I still had not run free from these sick bastards.

My death was near I could feel it, either way I was going to get defeated and turn up dead by either these bastards or Zades. A new adrenaline rush through my veins, I stayed still. These bastards looked adamant to wait till evening and they didn't care about my bleeding head. I gritted my teeth and tried to tilt my body in an odd angle, the ropes were tight but they weren't done in fluent manner, nothing an expert wildling can't break.

I slowly but steadily lowered my body to the ground and tried to pick up stones from my teeth. The snow was the first thing that I caught, I spit it out gently, not trying to make any noise, after failing thrice I finally caught a razor sharp stone, it stabbed my tongue and lips but I didn't care. After hustling for another painful minute, I threw the stone toward my hand that was attached to my waist. Slowly, slowly I cut the rope, it wasn't fully cut but I forcefully took my hand then I went on to release my body.

My body ached, now along with my head, my hands, tongue and lips were bleeding too. I didn't waste much time after making sure the stinky bastards who caught me were still busy playing cards and making derogatory comments on women's physical features. I walk, and walk, and walk, the more I walk the more I feel lost, thirsty, hungry and tired. My head was throbbing in pain but I didn't stop until I felt that I was successfully out of my kidnappers' clutches.

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