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Harvi's p.o.v-

The visiting Princes were Crown Prince Nikos and Prince Dahlan of Trilia. They both were the brothers of Prince Zades from his father's side. Apparently, the Crown Prince was going to get married to Princess Elexia of Irkans so both the brothers decided to visit their dear brother before going to Capital, The Qagghar Kingdom where the Grand Emperor and Empress mother reside with newly crowned King Daevos and Queen Kilia. 

Yulip told me how both Qagghar of Arkadia and Irkans were the most powerful kingdoms going headbutts for years but it was futile as they were not only continuously losing their soldiers in wars but also the lands, money which was causing the continuous declining in their growing businesses so the Irkans came up with the marriage proposal of their daughter to the crown prince of Trilia which was one of the most powerful state of Qagghar after Arkadia. 

I came to know more about Arkadia and Zades in these two days than the several months I spent here. Since all the maids, servants and slaves were not allowed to be seen in daylight so they did most of their work at midnight and I on the other hand was prohibited to came out of my room. Zades came directly in my quarter unannounced the night when the Princes arrived in Arkadia. 

"Who's there?" I fumbled violently on my wooden bed. The torches were never lit in servant quarters; we were only given lamp oils that were as bright as spark in the pitch darkness. I turned to my left to see Yulip's figure fast asleep through the steel net. 

The servant quarters were adjoined rooms separated with iron rods like a cell. There was no privacy from one another and we were not allowed to hang blankets or sheets over the iron rods. Luckily, Yulip's and mine quarters were at the far corner and the other next to mine was always empty so it gives Yulip and I much privacy to talk shit about everyone. 

I felt a presence beside my bed and I swung my hand to punch to whoever it was but my hand got caught in a death grip. Before I could scream my mouth was shut down with another choking grip. 

"Behave or else I will make you, beasty." My eyes widened at the realization. It was Zades who was pinning me to my bed. 

He slowly removed his hand from my mouth knowing I was awake and not going to scream his head off. 

"You shall not step foot out of your quarter until I order you to." He said with so much force in his tone that had me immediately agree. 

"Yes, my prince."

Moments passed, he didn't move from his place. I was sleepy and rather restless for him to leave. He could have waited till morning for his order. What's the need of him to come here himself, if it's that important he could have sent someone to me. 

Before I could open my mouth to ask him nicely to leave I felt him brushing his lips on mine. I froze on my spot. I couldn't react immediately and he went on further to press his lips firmly on mine. It was for a brief seconds still it felt like hours, when it clicked to my brain what was happening he was gone like he was never there. 

For a moment it felt like I dreamt all of it but my lips stinginess told me otherwise. My blood boiled in anger, there was nothing I could do about it. I rubbed my lips so harshly that it drew blood. I wasn't his toy like those ladies. I wanted to take out Zades's lungs and wrap it around his throat. That night I went to sleep fuming in anger and cursing Zades. 

My anger eventually died down when I got confined for who knows how long. My bruises and wounds finally started to heal properly, it may have to do with me not getting new sets of bruises over my previous ones. My body was getting all of the rest and even though the meal portion was way less, it was probably contaminated with hair and dirt here and there but it was worth it. I was not complaining. 

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