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The celebration was boisterous and still going strong even after three days. Many adventurous games were played, dances were shown, acts were displayed, songs were sung, and portraits were made. There wasn't a single moment that wasn't filled with laughter, loud arguments and excited screams of royals and endless amounts of chores, tears and piles of dead bodies to discard every two minutes for servants.

Dahlan was coolly looking through the energetic crowds. The fare was taking place at the other end of the ground, where many people were gathering to eat and watch the shows. He saw many princesses fluttering their eyelashes and smiled seductively at him. He in return gave a bow of acknowledgement.

He wasn't the man with loose control over his needs. He doesn't take the first woman he sees to his bed. Indeed, he was hot blooded and had his fair share of short good times but that's about it. He was picky when it comes to his women. Him and Zades had quite a lot in common, not only they shared the equally hard headedness, they were quite competitive in terms of ginormous ego, cruelty, arrogance and of course ruling.

But their ways were different than two universes put together. Dahlan likes the shadow, quietness and peace but Zades visibly demands attention and respect. Their egos kept on head butts to each other ever since they were children. In the end, it was Dahlan who always smartly took a step back, not because he was scared of Zades but because he would give Zades enough time to lick his bruised ego in slience and not make him go ballistic on the whole kingdom.

Dahlan was surprised when he noticed how Zades had kept the wildlings alive and even took them with him all the way back to Arkadia, it was new, even for him. Dahlan persuaded Nikos, his elder brother, to subtly force Zades to bring out the wildlings from whatever rat hole Zades was keeping them in.

Dahlan had the shock of his life when he got to know that it was the same wildling girl that he earlier bumped into. She was traumatized, that he knew, but what made him more intrigued, was Zades' strange behaviour whenever that wildling girl was involved. Not only had Zades kept her alive all this time, he even went one step ahead of himself, astonishing himself and Dahlan when he heatedly refused Crown Prince Nikos for Harvi.

The emotions Zades was displaying for Harvi were unusual and abnormal, making Dahlan intrigued with Harvi. The more Zades tried to keep Harvi out of their sight, the more Dahlan was getting interested to again meet Harvi. He was amused to know that someone has finally bewitched steely gray hearted Zades, the man who was infamous for his temper and impatience.

It didn't take him long enough to meet Harvi again. He was waiting for her to mess up or try to escape, which she did. Dahlan only wanted to have fun, he wanted to rile Zades through Harvi. He knew next time he would meet Zades, Harvi might not be alive, still he said her most bizarre words to her. But somewhere in his heart he was hoping for her to live, to successfully earn Zades' trust not only that he wanted to see Harvi again.

He couldn't deny the wild beauty of Harvi, her wide, innocent eyes that were filled with distrust. Her unruly hair which was untamable. Her small face was as pure as a newborn babe. He quickly left her, for he started to feel his heart beating faster because of his ill move. He wanted to go back and take back all those gullible words back but she was nowhere in sight when he returned to the shaded area.

Dahlan left for Trilia but not for once had he not thought about Harvi. His stoned heart was filled with guilt and hope. He wanted to make sure that she was alive and she did make it out alive. When Dahlan met Harvi again, his heart leapt with joy but she had the most cold look in her eyes when she saw him, her innocence had been robbed from her eyes, her pureness was tainted and she became the shell of a person she used to be.

He couldn't bring himself to say any comforting words to Harvi, for nothing could decrease her anxiousness and her anger towards Zades. He wouldn't have repeated his last words again but he knew those words were now wise for Harvi, if she wanted to live peacefully, for she has successfully earned Zades' undivided attention and fondness toward herself. From the looks of Harvi, she still didn't know about it but Dahlan has seen the possessive behaviour of Zades.

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