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Harvi's p.o.v-

My body felt heavier the moment I tried to sit. Each passing minute felt excruciating hell to me. Last night played in my head like a nightmare, making me mental. Even If I might be able to miraculously flee from Zades' clutches, my mind would always be his prisoner, he successfully imprinted my mind with his repellent touches, antagonizing cruelty and submissive fear.

How could he be so inhuman, brutal to his betrothed? How could he treat Crystal like dirt under his foot? And how she keep on forgiving him with sickly sweet smile on her stupid face? What kind of a mental world have I stumbled upon? Maybe it's just the longest nightmare that I was seeing. If I jerk myself out of the sleep I would wake back in my hut, sweating and foolishly smiling at myself for having such a bad dream and believing that it was real.

But nothing worked, I wasn't seeing my hut, no palm trees in sight, no noise of children playing and running around, no seawaves sounds, no screamings of mothers or gamblings of men could be heard by me. I sobbed bitterly, clutching the softest silk material sheets to my mouth, soaking it with my indignant tears. I swore to myself to never cry, at least not in this foreign land. However, Zades had triumphantly, once more defeated me even over my own emotions.

I harshly rubbed my cheeks with the silk sheet and blew my nose on it. I bitterly thought about the last few days where Zades hardly trained me and mocked me the most. He had a hearty laugh whenever I couldn't master the moves which he never taught me. For the time being, I was focused to improve, to learn and adapt the new techniques with shiny weapons. However, Zades had never really intended to teach me. I was just a mere pet for him to entertain him, I couldn't care less about his amusement though.

Then my whole world burst into flames when Zades asked me to accompany him to Crystal's palace for dinner. I did as I was ordered, I wore the dress, wore the hair the way he wanted, not knowing that I was walking to my own demise. Princess Crystal and her mother Queen Celia were abhorred by my sight but they hid it well. Princess Crystal behaved obediently and served varieties of meals to Zades. It was indigestible to me to watch the Princess Crystal and Queen do all chores the servants were supposed to do. Zades, on the contrary, didn't pay heed. He simply ate his meals.

The revelation was clearly visible in Princess Crystal's eyes when he asked her to serve me, the meagre slave, she looked unpleasant and apprehensive but she did as she was commanded. I nervously took a bite of steamy buns, my hands trembled when I felt two blazing glares on me, I choked and coughed. I sniffled again when a glass of water softly pushed against my lips. As if the whole meal wasn't stressful and nerve wrecking enough. These cursed royals had to add a fucking goose berry on a fucking cursed pie.

"Princess Crystal, there's something I need to discuss with you." Zades said, seated on the comfortable chair while I sat not too far behind him. Crystal sat facing him with a genuine, soft smile on her whilst Celia sat on her right like a royal Queen. Her pinning gaze never left my face.

"Yes, of course, Your highness. Whatever it is that you need to discuss shall not wait anymore." She said encouragingly, making me feel sorry for her as to no women, no matter how much deeply in love with the man of her dreams, must let herself drag, to be push over the edge where she has no choice either to jump off of a cliff or to pounce back on that man with her claws out. Sanity matters just as much as self respect and self value.

"Crystal, I want you to give your blessings to my betrothed, Harvi." No sounds were made, I forgot to breathe while Crystal sat paralyse, whilst her mother looked as if she was asked to give her crown back.

Such simple words, he uttered, with no remorse, no explanation, no meaning behind the utmost rubbish words I had heard in my entire life.

"Surely, you jest, your highness." Crystal recovered surprisingly faster than me. Her feet slightly moved towards Zades while I still hadn't the courage to move my muscles or deny the lie.

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