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Harvi's p.o.v-

I always thought of marrying the love of my life in the heart of Klovian Island. My husband and I would deep dive to catch rare fishes and stones. We would race to get back to the shore, play sword fighting and sell the goods to earn our income. We would start a lovely family and eventually grow old together, bathing under the sun while watching over our grandchildren, eating and playing on the sand with them.

I wasn't the one who openly loved to show affection to others, I was extremely hard headed and a walking brick wall. Never would I have ever thought of kissing Molan, let alone openly having an intimate relationship with him. I always had the notion of him and I marrying out of the blue, when the right time arrives.

Hence, I didn't tell him about my romantic feelings to him, maybe If I did pick some courage or put away my unsentimental-ness at bay, I would be able to spent some quality time with him, maybe I could held his hands while walking to Jastav's hut, or picked berries while laughing at ours stupid jokes.

A lone tear escaped my eyes while Zades railed me. His luminous eyes didn't seem to take in my blurry features or he just simply chose to ignore them. Not that I would expect him to acknowledge my dead emotions, soulless eyes or unresponsive body.

His hands held me possessively while his grunts came out in passionate pleasure. His chambers were cold than ice, still he was drenched in fluids and sweat. I wailed when he turned me around in one swift motion, almost plunging me into a soft mattress. He rolled my hair in a rough bun and sucked the back of my neck.

"You feel so good." His hot breath fanned across my ear, a tingling sensation spread all over my body through my ear when he sensually licked and bit, earning a huff of breath from me.

I was trembling from the continuous, uncomfortable waves of episodes that never seemed to end.

"Hold onto me." He pulled me in his arms, chest to chest. My hands were shaking uncontrollably.

"What are you doing?" I whispered outrageously. He didn't speak, instead he began molesting me with his hands and mouth. I didn't have half a clue on what he did or was doing with me. He seemed to outdid himself every time we got intimate. He switches position every minute while he replaces his hands with his other parts of the body.

"Tell me beasty, has anyone ever pleasure you before like I do?" My face twisted with barely there ecstasy, while he looked like he was seeing stars. It was the first time he was doing it and I was speechless to say the least. My tears rain down from my eyes in both pleasure and pain.

"Tell me." He almost stopped and looked me dead in the eyes.

"I.. No.. No." I shook my head immediately.

"Good." He was on his knees in front of me while he held onto me like his life depended on it.

"Fuck, beasty, give me some reaction." His eyes detained frustration.

"Say something." He growled at me.

"I.. What should I say?" I almost cried out aloud with his onslaught when he almost broke me in two.

"You're a fucking dense. Aren't you?" He hovered above my upper thighs, hands still working their magic.

"You.. You shouldn't." I told him quietly, almost afraid of his reaction. I was finding it hard to breathe.

"What?" He wasn't focusing on my question but his eyes snapped on mine. His cheeks, ears and lips were blood red while his eyebrows were furrowed, lower lip pulled in between his teeth.

"These.. Things." I stumbled upon my words as waves of delectable came through. I couldn't utter a proper sentence.

"I should, these things" His once occupied lips stretched into a smirk on my thighs, I could feel his lips kissing and smiling.

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