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Harvi's p.o.v-

I went to bed with restlessness and an urge to scream my lungs out. The whole night I couldn't sleep, the tight arm around my waist was a continuous reminder of what my life had become. The unexpected twists and turns made me insane and I found myself wanting to flee overnight, leaving behind the cruel destiny waiting for me to consume wholly.

"Miss, your morning meal is here." Orvel said, gently placing the meal on the wooden movable table that she kept on the bed. I craned my neck and ruffled my hair, thinking, I again did the overthinking and forgot to do the chores that I was meant to do.

I quietly nodded at her and tried to pass her a grateful smile but all I could do was look into the far distance. She took her leave and I managed to bring the table closer to me. I blankly looked at the sweet porridge garnished with mixed roasted nuts with a glass of milk. I picked the silver spoon and found it rough over the edge. I didn't pay heed to it at first but after two spoons the roughness around the spoon irritated my skin.

I looked at it and found the slash mark. My eyes widened and moved forward to conceal it. I quickly and quietly opened the slash to find the chit smartly hidden within the length of the spoon.

Two nights from now and you shall walk to the forest alone at midnight. No need to worry about anything, rest has been taken care of. I hope you have got this message.

The message was loud, clear and addressed in a way, when accidentally handled by the wrong person they wouldn't get the words straightaway or hopefully it would give us enough time where we could execute our plan without catching any suspicious eyes over our smallest of moves.

I quickly cleaned my face and clad in a simple attire not wearing any exaggerating dresses Zades had asked me to. I quickly burnt the chit over the flame of the lamp as I was lying low, not creating any unnecessary stir. Moreover, Zades had asked me not to leave his palace under any circumstances unless he accompanied me himself. Orvel, as usual, was by my side like a shadow, blending within the crowd, not easily distinguishable but highly alert.

With two days being gone like a blur, the whole Imperial palace was back to experiencing chaos, the ceremonies of Nikos and Elexia's had begun, not only that the implausible stunt that Zades had pulled last night had created havoc among the royals. Zades was called upon by the Great Empress.

"My love, you shall not leave Orvel's side at any cost whilst I go and see what concerns the Emperor. Furthermore, If you need my immediate attention you must directly come to me for I shall make time and see you." His eyes were dead serious. I didn't have a good feeling about whatever Zades was going to do; as it wasn't going to bring great joy to his family.

His persistence and domineer powers were incredible, untouchable to be exact. He knew what he amounted to, he was worth more than the empire itself, as he was the one who was the solid, steely pillar of the empire.  If he decided to withdraw his direct support to the empire, it wouldn't take a month for the whole of the Qagghar empire to burn down to ashes.

He could single-handedly bring the king Daevos to his knees if he wanted and he was exactly going to do that if someone dared to object to his decision to marry a lowly, tribal wilding.

I nodded my head at him whilst he lowered his head to softly pressed his lips on mine, stealing the moisture and returning the eagerness of his. He looked barely bothered, highly conceited, and full of intimidation but his eyes remained filled with love and care. If only Zades was human enough I would have totally given my heart to him. However, neither our circumstances were right nor he was tolerable enough and there was no way I was falling for a monster, not willingly or forcefully.

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