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Harvi's p.o.v-

"What kind of revenge?" I inquired further. 

"Zades and I were always competitors for as long as I could remember. We competed in everything, anything you could think of, placed silliest of bets just to prove ourselves stronger, powerful and intimidating. There were a handful of times when I would beat him but he would come back stronger and would challenge me. He hated being the loser, and so was I. Soon we were thrown into grounds, battlefields and politics, we became lethal with time. Zades made his huge army while I became busy working alongside my father and brother. Zades was declaring wars after wars on those who declined to bend their knees. He was unstoppable."

"I, on the other hand, learned the deep politics and tactics. We both were getting praised for our dangerous works and talents. For the first time ever, I felt a little bit relaxed with my life but then something happened that shook me from top to bottom with anger, hatred and deep rooted jealousy. I wanted to murder Zades. Slowly, Zades started stake claims over the lands that I conquered by killing my men. When I confronted him about it he simply said the powerful man shall keep the lands, so I kept my silence as I didn't have a much larger army than Zades'. Also, you don't know but I kind of fell in love with Princess Crystal. I always have loved her and Zades knew that. He made fun of me, he embarrassed me in front of her." His jaw clenched. 

"Zades and Crystal got engaged right before my eyes. He… he never loved her.. He doesn't respect her even and yet he accepted the proposal just to enrage me. He slept with her just to mock me. I was heartbroken yet I tried to talk with him, to let me have the woman that I loved with all of my heart but he didn't listen. That asshole laughed at me." My eyes widened at his broken confession. His eyes and cheeks turned red. 

"I couldn't do anything, Crystal loves the lucky asshole. He took everything from me, he took my lands, my claims and my woman from me. I wanted to hurt him emotionally, to destroy him mentally just like he did with me. No amount of arrows and swords could give me the satisfaction of killing him, I wanted him to suffer from within. Zades is a temperamental bastard and I am the silent one, so I took the chance and used you as my weapon. I wanted him to fancy you but that bastard surprised me by falling in with you. My first plan was to kidnap and then kill you but I changed my mind, I could never kill you, Harvi." He spoke with softness. 

"You both are sick in the mind." I gritted my teeth. 

"Yes, we are. But I am not such a heartless royal because I am going to make you an offer." He replied with a smirk, making me confused. 

"But you-"

"It's completely your choice whether or not you want to take my offer. However, I want you to at least hear it and then decide." I didn't speak. 

"You have the option to walk out of here, like nothing happened, you never met me and I never met you and always remain in dangerous risk of Zades finding you, capturing you to possibly kill you or worst, imprisoned you for the rest of your life or you can join hands with me and let me arrange a safe place for you, possibly a warm, sunny one where you can live your rest of the life without having to worry about the bastard and live your life however you want." He looked at me with gleaming eyes. 

"No." I said simply. 

"No? What?" He asked. 

"No, I won't take on your offer. You asked me to speak, and I have given you the chance. Now, I am going to take my leave. Goodbye, Prince Dahlan. I hope we never meet again." I turned around. 

"Harvi, listen to me." He immediately tried to stop me. 

"No, you listen to me, I won't ever shake my hands with you. We don't know each other, I never know the real you. You could be lying, or this could be another half assed theory for you to try on me since I am nothing but a scapegoat to you. I would never believe you, and about Zades finding me again, then let him find me, for I am ready to face him." I told him firmly. 

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