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Harvi's p.o.v-

I was lying wide awake seeing the dirty gray ceiling decorated with spider webs as big as tree roots. I watched how the spider slowly but securely and neatly knitted its web. 

For hours, I watched how the spider patiently made the web many times the spider slipped but it somehow made its way back to the original spot and again restarted making the web. It didn't stop until the web finally caught a big bug that was heavier and bigger than a spider. 

The spider fought with the bug and got the bug all tangled up in the webs when it tried to fight back with the spider. Eventually, the spider ate the head of a big, bad bug. 

A slow smile made its way to my lips. I was ready to eat the head of a big, bad bug. I slowly tiptoed to Zades chambers. The guards merely blinked at my arrival. 

"The prince is not in his chambers," said one of the guards. 

"But the Prince asked me to come into his chambers at once." The guard immediately let me through. 

I smiled in victory. I took out the small sharp mirror glass that I shattered in my quarter carefully and held it tightly in my hand. The sharp glass cut deeper through my fragile skin.

I intently broke the glass into fewer pieces so they got stuck in my hand. My eyes teared up. Soon the carpet was stained with my blood. With the pain and blood, my knees gave up and I collapsed on the floor. 

My hand felt like it was on fire and it took everything within me not to pull the pieces of glass out of my hand. 

"Beasty?. What are-. Beasty, what happened?" Zades was kneeling beside me. His face looked concerned. 

"It's okay, it's okay. I am here" He scooped me up in his arms and placed me on his bed. He tried to open my fist but I screamed in pain. 

"Let me check your hand. Don't look at it. Just don't." He gritted when I tried to take a look at my hand. 

"It hurts." Well, the pain was real. It was hurting my hand. 

"I know. I know. Just close your eyes for me. I am going to make your pain go away. " He gently examined my hand when I closed my eyes and felt a painful tingling in my hand.

I tried to calm myself because my mind was scared. What if Zades caught my lie and killed me instead. Before I could think of anything else I felt a painful needle jab into my neck and I slipped into a dreamless slumber. 

When I opened my eyes, they felt heavy and watery as if I was continuously crying in my sleep. It felt all too familiar, the same blue ceiling with me lying on Zades's bed where he probably-

"You're awake." I heard the emotionless voice of Zades. 

"Don't move, beasty, or else you will reopen your wounds." He snarled at me. I saw him standing next to the bed where I was standing a few nights back. 

"Tell me who cut you." His suppressed anger made his face go red. 

"No one.".

" No one? Beasty, do not be frightened-"

"A big spider was crawling on the mirror inside my quarter and I do not like spiders. I tried to chase it away but it didn't move so I slapped it, the spider went away but the mirror got broken and cut my hand." I explained. 

"You do not like spiders and instead of asking for my help, you decided to punch it when it was crawling in the mirror? On the fucking mirror? Are you fucking insane, beasty?" He leashed his wrath upon me. 

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