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Harvi's p.o.v-

I stayed awake the whole night, thinking what tomorrow would bring for me? I could still hear the light sniffings of Reva. She was a mess, crying endlessly for her children. I never realized how deep in danger both Dari and Reva could be because of our position that we were currently in. They too were fighting from the beginning. A new found surge of hatred brewed inside my heart for Zades. He was a fucking monster who was destroying everything he laid his eyes upon.

The more I think about it, the more I realize how much I am putting Dari and Reva into a pit of jeopardy and hazard. They already have so much on their plates and they don't need me to add up to their bulk of problems. I wore my warm clothings that Dari and Reva lent me, I took sharp knives from Dari's bags and hooked them into my waistband. I grabbed the jute bag and filled it with fruits, breads, dry meats and took the bottle of water.

I casted a wary glance at their sleeping forms on the floor, my eyes filled up on seeing their poor conditions. It wasn't supposed to end like this, I was supposed to take my leave from this hellhole but destiny has some other plans for us. Maybe we didn't have destinies to begin with, but no matter what, I shall continue to fight until my last breath, I shall keep running until I find my peace, my home. As I made up my mind, I would rather roam in the jungle like a rogue than ever go back to Zades' golden cage. I wanted my freedom and above all I was wildling and it was time to show them what wildlings were capable of.

I turned my back and began my journey, all on my own. I covered my mouth with a scarf, as soon as my feet touched the dead, snowy grass my eyes sharpened, limbs strengthened, my ears perked up. I walked to nowhere, masking my fear into rage, survival instincts, and that of a huntress. Now, I was the predator and this world was my prey.


I grabbed the rabbit that I found out of sheer luck in the dead of the heavy laid snow and put my sharp knife around its neck, the rabbit immediately stopped the movements. A satisfied smile graced my lips. This would be my first hot meal in two weeks. Surviving in the wild was tough but I was tougher. Although I didn't have the privilege of potions to keep my body warm and a sheild of protection from the infections due to cold and maybe the allergies that were lurking deep within, I couldn't care less. I was here to live bigger than to live longer.

The fire was poorly lit on the snow but I was happier that at least I got my hand round starting the fire in bone cracking cold and snow. The devastating job was hunting small animals, in the blanket of snow there was no living creature in sight, the snow leopards, mountain cougar, wolves and bear usually hang out in their packs, so I alway steer clear away from water bodies, stony-peaky mountains and where there's a thin sheet of snow which called out the name of polar bears.

Even though I wasn't totally immune to the predators like I thought I was, many times I had to take shelter above branches where I couldn't accidentally walk into the territory of deadly animals, especially at night. I was always on alert, I would never stay in one place more than needed, and I trusted my gut feelings more than ever I would like to admit. My knife skills got better than before, I started to rely more on my reflexes, staying with Zades had taken a great toll on my physical and mental being. He tried to turn me into a weak flower which I wasn't. He only fed me either fat foods or dry as hell breads, making sure that I would never regain my strength.

He thought he would cage me, pluck my wings, and chained me by neck to his will but he didn't know what I truly was. He had underestimated me, I was a wildling after all and I was a survivor. I knew I wasn't going to make it through many years, living in between wild snow and deadly animals. Someday either the cold or the predators were going to catch me and I was willing to die like that. But I was sure I wouldn't let Zades catch me again even if he did, this time I was going to fight back until I would be no more.

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