50. Final Fight

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As soon as Xiao Zhan landed on the ground, he was immediately greeted by a mob of gangsters in front of him, each one of them either holding a gun or a sword. "Well well well. Looks like your 'Xiao Zhan' actually came." Zhu Zanjin said as he came forward, his voice containing pure anger and jealousy. How could Wang Yibo just leave him like that? Zhu Zanjin and Wang Yibo have known each other since childhood. They were even about to get married. But then this bastard ruined everything! On the day he was about to claim Wang Yibo as his, Xiao Zhan just kidnaps him and disappears for more than half a year! And that bloody alpha is the reason why his dear omega despises him now. What's even worse, now his dear omega doesn't love him anymore and is in love with that bastard alpha! Not only that, Xiao Zhan is the main reason why Zhu Zanjin lost all the trust people had in him because of that 'speech' he gave in the news. It's just too unforgivable!

Right now, Zhu Zanjin's anger was off the charts. Xiao Zhan didn't just ruin him, he destroyed him! And Zhu Zanjin would make sure Xiao Zhan would suffer a hundred, no a thousand times more. Hearing Zhu Zanjin's words, Xiao Zhan smirked. "Of course I would come for him. What made you think I will abandon the man I love in the hands of a murderer?" Wang Yibo gasped, his face becoming crimson red. "You will die! Boys!!" Zhu Zanjin shouted making all the gangsters run straight towards Xiao Zhan.

Wang Yibo got out of Xiao Zhan's arms and stood away from the drama. The alpha managed to injure everyone, leaving all of them crippled. While Xiao Zhan was busy fighting, Zhu Zanjin seized this chance and grabbed Wang Yibo's hand. "ZHAN!!" Wang Yibo shouted making the alpha turn around.

Xiao Zhan grabbed a fallen knife and threw it straight at Zhu Zanjin's hand which was holding Wang Yibo. The alpha howled in pain and released his grip on Wang Yibo. Seizing this chance, Wang Yibo ran away from Zhu Zanjin and ran straight towards Xiao Zhan.

Zhu Zanjin hissed in pain as he pulled the dagger out of his hand and stared straight at Xiao Zhan. Just as he was about to stab Xiao Zhan, he felt a pain in his back, as if someone stabbed him, making him turn around. The alpha was shocked speechless when he saw Feng Cong behind him, holding a bloodied knife in his hand.

"Why?" Zhu Zanjin croaked. "Because you tried to kill me!" Feng Cong shouted as he stabbed Zhu Zanjin three more times. Unable to stand any longer, the corrupt politician fell to the ground and closed his eyes, letting go of his last breath. Wang Yibo, who was scared of blood, hid behind Xiao Zhan the whole time.

Feng Cong looked at Xiao Zhan with a rather hateful expression and bleary eyes. "My enemy isn't my boss, it's you! Now my boss is dead! You should not live!" He shouted as he tried to stab Xiao Zhan but the alpha kicked the knife out of Feng Cong's hand and hit his head hard enough for him to get a concussion.

Xiao Zhan slowly turned around and looked at the omega. The alpha smiled at Wang Yibo before fainting from blood loss and exhaustion. "Zhan!" Wang Yibo ran straight towards Xiao Zhan and caught him in his arms.

The stench of blood kept drifting off Xiao Zhan. Frowning, Wang Yibo touched his waist, making his eyes widen. Xiao Zhan had a deep wound in his stomach! "Zhan! ZHAN!" Wang Yibo shouted, shaking Xiao Zhan awake. The alpha slowly opened his eyes and gave him his dazzling smile again. "Yibo, you're okay." He whispered before fainting again.

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