Chapter 8

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          Weeks had passed between the two since then. Upon getting to know each other they grew into a routine. They shared laughs, meals, nights, and days. It had almost made them both forget about the deal they had made temporarily.

          Tonight the air is warm with the humid summer heat. Crickets chirp along with the slight breeze, wafting up the scent of the forest.

           Upon a hill lay the pair gazing up into the sky. The demon places his hands on his own stomach, uneasy in the sudden silence. He takes in all the noise around him, he never knew the quiet could be this loud.

          Dipper is talking about a constellation, or something or other, pointing to it. Bill's thoughts drift as he peers over at Dipper. The boy's voice becomes but a murmur under the current of Bill's thoughts.

           He couldn't help but stare at him, nothing amused him more at this moment but this boy. Bill could not grasp how this one human had such an influence over him in a short amount of time.

          This boy, this person, Dipper Pines had turned his world upside down. A foreign feeling ran through him right then, one that made a genuine smile appear on his face.

          "Hey Pine Tree..", he finally said with a soft tone.
          "Yeah?" The boy said noticing that Bill had been looking over at him a while now.

          "Thank you..." He says turning his gaze back to the stars.

          "For what?". Dipper turns on his side to face Bill.

           "For slowing me down...I would have never been able to appreciate any of this without you," A smile lingers on Bill's face.

          He's lightly punched in the shoulder.

          "No problem". Dipper said faintly with a yawn following soon after. They both call it a night heading back to that old cabin in the middle of the woods.

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