Chapter 64 (Updated with Artwork)

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It was a constant for Gravity Falls to have an overabundance of strange activity. This was always a hot spot for odd and end reports to the government. Yet, the trends had begun to pick up with a particular someone over the past few months.

The FBI, had been keeping a keen eye on the suspect Stan Pines and was about to move in. Especially with the events of the previous night.

The twins had spent most of the night in discussion. That morning, Mable was still having trouble wrapping her mind around all that Bill was trying to explain.

"So, let me get this straight...You summoned an evil wish-granting demon, for fun?!" Mable exclaimed.

"No! No, I thought it wouldn't work...I didn't think the books were real. Not at first, and then...It's a lot, I thought maybe he could help me but like I said, I was tricked. Just like Gideon." He says with a guilty sigh.

"Didn't I say you could come to be with anything Blotch??", she asks in an exasperated tone.

"I ...didn't think you'd believe me. That, and I thought that it partially may have been all in my head. But, it's different now. I'm sorry..." Bill says before the silence calms the waters between the two.

"Well, what now Bill, how do we stop him? What does he even want?", Mable looks over at her brother just then.

"I'm not sure...but it can't be good. We need to get those books back from Grunkle Stan. They're the only thing that might have that answer." Bill said in a hushed tone.

They both nod at one another, there was nothing this duo didn't understand between each other when it came to chaotically working together.

"But where would he keep them?", Mable whispered.

"That's what we will have to figure out...", Bill gulped.

Stanley was just about to go outside and enjoy the morning air as he peeked out the front door blinds it was clear that wasn't going to be happening.

He noticed a few cars stationing themselves outside the shack, this meant trouble. He rushed back into the house before they approached the shop and he barged into his niece and nephew's shared bedroom.

"Kids, I need to tell you something extremely important but you're going to have to wait till later to hear it.", The old man was frantic while telling them this. The kids looked distraught enough as it was, but even more so now that they saw him panicking.

"I need you to stay locked in this room, and don't come out until I say so and I mean it! This is serious."  Stanley scolded, it was the urgency in his voice that kept the children hushed enough to listen.

"If they try to come in, stay hidden. You kids got it?", his big bushy brows furrowed and the children nodded nervously.

Their great-uncle then went out the door and locked it behind him. Just as he was doing so, crashing can be heard from below them. Some form of banging and shattering of glass in commotion.

They always knew that the law might catch up to Stan sometime but the kids didn't expect it this soon. In the murmured voices below they could hear a conversation go something like this...

"Ow, Hey Watch it!" The older man would cry out as a struggle ensued.

"Stanford Pines you're under arrest! For possession of illegal weapons and stolen government property!", the unknown person would call out.

"I'm innocent! I swear!", the shrill voice of their Great uncle would sound before the kids went to their window to watch as he was dragged to a black armored car and several other agents began to tromp into the shack.

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