Chapter 31

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The demon double takes at the scene, almost expecting to fall through the floor once again. The man hasn't seemed to notice him yet but appears to be expecting someone. Bill walks over, heart racing in his ears. He shuffled into the booth across from Ford.

" came.", the man said as he glanced down at his wristwatch.

"Of...of course I did...", he tucks his ombre hands into the hollows of his hoodie pockets.

"You invaded my mind Cipher.", the entity winced internally.

"That's the thing...I really didn't. I think we connected somehow...I just ended up there. I don't really have control over my powers anymore Sixer...". The tone of his voice sounded sincere.

"I'll ask you again...why come back to Gravity Falls?", the older-looking man sipped away on his beverage.

"It's where they sent me.", he finally was able to place his gaze back onto his former friend.

"Who?", one of Ford's bushy brows curled upwards on his face.

"It's this axolotl", he explained. "Believe it or not, there are way more powerful beings out there than me Sixer. More than you can imagine.". There was a twinge of a spark in the man's eyes just then. The demon knows that look all too well.

"Tell me more." Their conversation turns into a dive of seriousness. Ford even orders a round of food for the both of them as they talk. It was bitter, and sweet at some points where they recall memories they enjoyed with one other.

Bill knew it was pointless to try and rekindle anything with his old friend, he at least wanted to give him some sense of closure. Perhaps, this is the reason why everything happened the way it did even if it wasn't a good one. He wanted to come clean and tell him the hard truth.

It breaks off into a bout of casualness.

"So, how's life with my nephew?", he says pushing his plate aside.

"Oh, well, it's complicated. I think Dipper is still processing this too."

"Did you know about him? You know?"

"Yeah, he told me. I was one of the first ones.", Bill played with his earring, looking out the window. "I think he's afraid to tell his family a lot of things."

Ford's eyes focus on his own hands. "Dang...we should've been there for him more." He bites the inside of his cheek with regret.

"Surprised he even trusts me at all.", the beast shrugs and Ford shakes his head, knowing that kid all too well. "He's kept up his side of the bargain though and has shown me lots of things." He smiles. "Like how to eat properly, learned that one the hard way."

He recalls the feeling of poring carbonated Pitt-cola in his eyes.

The man laughs at that, trying to imagine the oddity of this being inhabiting a human body that was his own for the first time. There was that same glimmer in Ford's eyes, deep, dark, and soft. He knows now where Dipper gets it; the resemblance makes him feel fuzzy.

They are cut short by a beeping noise that comes from the man's watch.

"Ahh well, that's my alarm. Told Stanley I'd be back around now.", he says turning it off.

"Hey Ford, thanks for giving me another chance."

"Don't get ahead of yourself Cipher, I never said that.", He shakes his head getting up.

Bill expected as much from him; it still hurt. "Tell Dipper I said Hi.", he says leaving the restaurant, looking back once more at the beast. Who occupies the two seats, alone.

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