Chapter 46

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"Ow", Bill exclaimed as he was smacked on the top of the head with a stack of papers.

"Here kid, go hang those up around the shack will ya?", the old man grunts as he basically dumps the pile onto the small blonde boy.

He grumbles but knows it's not worth it to try and fight back with his Grunkle. It seems like even from the first day that he met this guy he went straight to work picking on him. All the while Mabel gets off scot-free.

This irritated him to no end. Bill begrudgingly took the supplies outside to begin hammering them into anything he could find.

He tripped down the small path that led out to the right of the mystery shack, he wasn't at all amused by this place. It made him bored, he felt as though he was supposed to be doing something else.

By this time his memories stopped flashing back to him in waves. It was eerie to him that his recollection of his past was slipping away.

Crows squawked overhead as they flew, he was getting slightly deeper into the wooded area. He set up his arrangement in order to tack the flyers onto the trees. Bill readied his nail and hammer and struck.

He was caught off guard when it reverberated with the sound of hollow metal.

The boy reeled back a bit, then decided to tap it again, the same thing. Curiosity got the best of him. The hinges squealed as he carefully pried the secret hatch open.

Inside was a device with an array of buttons and levers. He hesitantly messed with one of the levers, a loud rumbling noise can be heard behind him.

The ground opened up in a rectangular fashion, he peered into the hole as the dust cleared. Bill got on his knees and fumbled in the darkness at the bottom of the pit.

He pulled a book out of the dirt and brushed it off. It had a six-fingered hand symbol on the front, with the number two on it.

"Where...have I seen this before...", the blonde muttered to himself as he inspected the cover. That jittery feeling of unpleasant familiarity washed over him. Something wasn't right here. He flipped to the first page, where it quotes the title being, A Little Help From A Friend.

Dipper's heart pounded faster, sweat dripped from every pour.

"Is it supposed to ?", the familiar voice rang out and echoed across the blackness.

The brunette got that spark of bravery and turned on his heel to face this beast. He froze up, shivering.

He faced himself. It was like a mirror, but there was something off, something strange about this figure in front of him.

This thing was unsettling, uncanny in nature. Maybe, it was its face, the eyes. There was a small difference, hardly noticeable.

Out of reflex, Dipper tried to move his arm to see if the image would follow him. The second it didn't mimic the movements he knew it wasn't a reflection. This being was standing in front of him.

"What do you mean...", the brunette swallowed dryly.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe you were the problem? That, you had been the one making the mistakes?", this alternate version of himself sounded cunning.

"That's--", the boy barely spoke.

"That's wrong? It's not true? What? Don't think I didn't think that at one point too..."

"You...", he stopped talking at this point.

"I remember a time when I too was self-centered. I was full of ego,...though, It was a facade, I would cave at the slightest hint of worry. I was focused on fixing everything but...myself ", this version of him sounds refined, advanced even, humble in some aspects.

The boy looked down. "I was just trying to...".

"Make things better? I know.", the entity walked casually over to 'himself'. "You need to be a bit selfish...think about Mabel, think about Bill. Perhaps, stop trying to fix them, and mend yourself.", he pokes Dipper in the chest.

"But...", they stared each other in the eyes.

"Dipper, you're too quick to sacrifice yourself for the sake of need to help yourself in order to help them...Additionally, you'll never get what you want if you live that way."

"What are you saying...", the brunette furrowed his brows.

"We can't be constantly fighting over this space. Two of us? Making the decisions? Can't you see, we have to unite in order to work together. Your heart, my mind. We can face it. Aren't you afraid of losing ...everything ?", the entity smiles, and small voices start up around them.

The entity lifts his hand to dipper to shake it. The boy reaches to meet it as his other hand is tugged. His head whips around to see another version of himself; a child. His younger self looks up at him with small, fingers intertwined with his.

"Don't listen to him, you did nothing wrong.", there was desperation in the kid's voice. Sad eyes peered from under an oversized tree-stamped cap.

"I...", he looked torn between the two, head flicking back and forth.

"Aren't you tired of being stepped on? Haven't you had enough? Let me help us.", the creature chimed.

Dipper internally struggled with this decision. But, he couldn't go back now.

"I'm..I'm sorry. But I have to do this.", he said as he faced the beast.

Dipper locked hands with his double and all went quiet.

"You know, I should mention that the only time your emotions won over your reason, was when you were gullible. Old habits, die hard.", the copy gripped Dipper's hand, and the creature changed in appearance.

"What?!", the boy yelled in pain as the two of them began to merge into one being. He felt like insanity was overtaking him. Those urges he felt in his place overcame his rationality.

The voices were chanting loudly as the torrent of a hurricane. It was over, he caved. When it was done, only one remained. And , The Great Constellation was born.

"I will get what I want. I will find them, no matter the cost.", he said ominously.

Bill sat up in bed, making sure that Mabel was fast asleep. He clicked on his flashlight and skimmed the pages of the book.

It fascinated him, he had recognized the strange-looking windows all around the shack and wondered if there had been a correlation.

The creator of this book must have put a lot of effort into making this house. He muttered the words as he read.

"I've come to know that this creature calls himself "Dipper", a nickname he gained from the stars. I think I can call him my friend.", the blonde nods at the pictures drawn.

He turns the next page, with more drawings of this entity that resembled the constellations.

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