Chapter 65

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"What do you think that Grunkle Stan was trying to tell us back there...", Mable whispered absent-mindedly as the twins made their way quietly through the vents.

"Whatever it was...he was serious.", Bill said as he turned his flashlight down another vent corner.

" think that what those men said about him was true?", Mable asked.

"They can't be far off...I mean they did arrest him. I wouldn't put it past Grunkle Stan." Bill blinked into the darkness ahead.

"Agreed.", Mable sighed. She didn't want to think that her great-uncle could be a horrible person. It wasn't like him to be so visibly stressed.

Both the twins knew him to be a pretty laid-back guy even when it came to things that they did. This was out of the ordinary if anything could be called that in Gravity Falls.

"Hey, I think I see a way into Grunkle Stan's room, looks like nobody is in it.", Bill said as he turned back to Mable momentarily. "Maybe we could find some clues in there." They've made up their minds, And in either case, being caught was not in the cards.

It had been hours, the kids finally got the chance to sneak down into Stanley's room. Clumsy as he had proven to be, Bill snagged the secret lever of the jackalope's horn as he fell out of the vent; his sister following soon after.

The compartment in the wall opened up and turned on its hinges revealing the security camera station. Bill winced, Mable gasped and in either case, they quieted down hoping that no one heard the sudden bout of noise.

The coast was clear, the twins began sifting through the videotapes that were stacked haphazardly. They found the one from just the other night.

VHS tape pushed in they rewound it just a bit too far, both of their eyebrows furrowed in seriousness. Bill blinked at the fuzzy tv screen image, straining with horror.

He witnessed himself in a tux sliding a piece of paper under the vending machine door. For a moment, looking back at the camera with the softest haze of moonshine in his eyes.

"That...that wasn't me." Bill gulped. It's settling deeper now just how proportionately massive his mistake had become. The guilt felt like a rock sinking to the bottom of the sea. His sister put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and sped up the tape.

"It's ok Bill, you didn't know..", she coaxed. The tape revealed Stanley leaving in the dead of the night and coming back with barrels of hazardous material.

They could see him type in a code, but the quality of the footage was just too grainy to make out what it was. They shivered as they knew what this must mean, in some capacity, the authorities were right about their Great Uncle.

"It's gotta be in here somewhere.", Bill nudged Mable as they began to search the room from top to bottom. Underneath the security set laid a greying cardboard box full to the brim with strewn about papers.

Bill pulled it out and began sorting through what seemed to be old identification cards and news clippings. All of this pointed to the fact that Stanley, or whoever he was might not be who he says he is.

Stomachs churned between the twins just then, they looked at each other with the sneaking suspicion that Stan knows more about those books than he was letting on.

What if he had been working with the star beast? In any case, things were beginning to have an even grimmer outlook than they thought previously.

By the time the kids had found the code to the vending machine the agents that were stationed around the shack had evacuated going after Stan Pines who had escaped captivity. He was on his way back, but someone stood in the way of the children getting to those books first; Soos.

"Look kids, your uncle told me to guard this thing with my life.", The man in front of the vending machine crossed his arms over one another standing firm.

With much struggle, the two twins managed to get the secret entrance of the basement to fling ajar. This startled all of them, including the often curious Mystery Shack worker and they all headed in.

Currently, in the star beast's domain, a encounter was about to ensue.

"You have a lot of nerve coming back here after all this time. To think I was generous enough to allow you to live, Stanford Pines. You take my kindness for granted"

The old man turns to the demon quickly on his heel hardly getting a glimpse of the creature's eyes before trying to raise his weapon.

Unfortunately for him, his arms were fear riddled and weak. As he drew it up he knew in that moment he didn't stand a chance. The demon's arm elongated in a slithering, bubbling mess of eyes and teeth as it batted the quantum destabilizer out of the human's sweaty grip.

It clattered and slid across the glassy platform. The very definition of what terror looked like spread across Ford's face just then.

Through his broken glasses, he stared at the gaping maw of demise. "What do you want?!", Ford screamed at the beast. His voice was shrill and helpless to the pitch.

"I...already told you what I want.". Dipper growled as more teeth spewed from the scar on his face. "I can spare you what I used to want...though". He walked calmly towards his prey.

"As if that'd be a courtesy..." Ford snapped back.

"Oh, really? It used to be something you could fix..." The creature smiled; amused . Something vile lay behind it enough to make the man shiver as if somehow, the creature could be right.

"What...". Ford stammered. As one of the long-clawed hands whipped out from the demon's body. It grabbed him by the ankle stringing the poor soul into the air and letting him dangle like a worm on a fishing line.

"I used to think we were friends Ford. For a while , you convinced me you weren't like the rest of your kind. You were the only human I had an ounce of respect for...but now..." He viciously slams the old man to the ground and begins to drag him back.

"I see you're just like the rest--puny--ungrateful---selfish---" With each pointed word he drove it in with pain with another crushing impact from air to floor. "You used me...just like all the rest. Until there was nothing left." the beast's voice got quieter on those last lingering words.

The old man coughed, something awful sounding from his beaten body.The beast was still toying with him, though he had all the power to make it swift.

Growls sounded within the ringing ears of Stanford Pines. His vision blurred from the absolute mess he'd gotten himself into. He shakily huddled next to the edge of the starry platform moving towards his superweapon.

He was battered, the creature had played with him back and forth like a ragdoll. He knew deep down that even if he wanted to, he didn't have the strength to fight back. It was uncertain as to if he'd even make it out of this alive. He knew this had to be the end for him.

He thought of his brother just then and the only words that conjured in his mind was, 'I'm sorry'

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