Chapter 56

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“That’s it!”, the little white-haired boy exclaimed. “I’m sick and tired of those Pines!” Gideon stormed through his living room past his father in the middle of making something for dinner.

His son had been pacing back and forth for about an hour ranting like this. Bud had been trying to find a moment in his son’s banter in which he could interject.

“You know Gideon, It might not have been him. We don’t know if-”, the man’s soft voice was cut short.

“For the last time dad, I don’t care!” Gideon screeched. “I’m goin’ to my room! Don’t even think of bothering me!”

He then proceeded to march to his room and slam the door behind himself. His father sighed. He wished he knew what to do with that boy.

The child seethed with anger, he was willing to do just about anything to get back at the Pines family. An idea sprung to the forefront of his mind. He then looked hastily around for that book he had been reminded of.

Up until this point, he thought the entire book that he had stolen from his father was a hodge podge of nonsense. Though, that did not explain why that Pines child had it as well.

He rummaged through his things; feeling about random objects until he found what he was looking for. Buried in the back of one of his boxes was the book Journal Three.

He gave a small bout of laughter as he clutched the large book between his small hands. It was a long while since he'd read any of this rubbish. In any case, he couldn't really hurt to try anything that was stated in this book. His father had it for some reason or another.

The boy found it quite curious though, that his father never went looking for it or even bothered to ask where it had gone. It was almost as if he had forgotten about it completely.

Gideon smirked as he flipped nonchalantly through the book's contents. He had remembered one page that was different from the others, something to do with a warning.

He needed something that would irreparably damage the Pines family even if it seemed ridiculous. Something in this book must have some sort of validity.

He had skipped it by accident and turned back to reach the page and stopped on it. His eyebrows furrowed as he quietly read the precaution on the page in scrolly handwriting out loud to himself.

“The Great Constellation…A creature that claims he came from the stars beyond our world….and can grant any wish imaginable.”

The child goes on to read over the next parts, “NO WISHES! Don’t make a wish! He bends the truth!”.

Gideon was taken slightly aback by this. He mulled over this decision in his head a few times, and he decided it was worth the risk.

If this actually worked, he would get everything he ever wanted and more. That night, he set out to prepare everything that he would need.

There were clear instructions on how to summon the beast. He waited for both of his parents to be asleep then he snuck out of his room and grabbed the materials. Three mirrors, three black candles, salt, and a few words later it was time to put his theory to the test.

It was clear that this little boy was revenge ridden. No amount of warning heeded could have prepared him for this.

The child waited a moment after he had spoken the incantation. His eyes and ears strained in the darkness waiting for something to happen.

He was about to give up and call himself a fool for even trying when he heard the sweet sound of twinkling. As he turned back to face the mirrors his appearance changed. Much like a puddle of water, a ripple effect spreads across reflective surfaces.

The boy swallowed hard trying to hold back both his fear and excitement. The mirror to his farthest left displayed a small rectangular, blue snake-like creature.

To his right, the mirror was oddly dark displaying nothing, not even Gideon's reflection. Lastly, The mirror that stood starkly in front of him displayed a man. His lazy blue cat eyes blinked slowly at the child.

It was not hard to tell that this person if you could call it that, that was in front of him was nowhere near human. The being gave a kind, warm smile and though it was toothy it was still disarming.

“ Hello, dear little star. You called?”, the demon cooed, referring to the small five-pointed object on Gideon’s former tent.

The child actor blushed, out of embarrassment at the compliment. “Oh, little ol’ me. Heh, well I sure try.”, He said, feigning modesty. He waves his pudgy hand. “Indeed I did. I really need your help with something.” the boy said, leaning forwards.

Gideon was most definitely curious now seeing that this book did hold secrets that seemed to work.

“Well, what is this request of yours?”, the demon peered lazily through the mirror as if this were in everyday conversation.

“ You see, I have this problem with a certain family. We've been rivals for who knows how long and I want to do something about it.” It was easy to see that the small boy had a wild temper. This roller coaster was about to go off the rails.

“ I can grant any wish that that mind of yours can dream of having.” The entity purred in amusement. His pointy teeth glinted as he smiled.

This was the most personable creature or human that Gideon had come across besides himself. Even more, concerning was the way he spoke as if he had already completed whatever he had set out to do.

“ I want the Gleeful family name to reign over the Pines for the rest of time. I want my family to be more successful, always. Can you do that?” The child actor was on the edge of his seat with anticipation. He could not wait for the sweet taste of revenge to come washing over him.

“ To be clear, you want the Gleeful family name to be successful over the Pines family for the rest of time? Correct?” The demon hid his ever-curling smirk, those moon eyes looked directly at the boy.

“Yes! That’s exactly what I want. I wish you could do that….”, The boy couldn’t hold back his excitement anymore.

“Consider it done, little star.” The beast said with a sickly sweet tone. A small star appears in front of the Great Constellation. He blows it out like the flame of a candle. It whisps away, and all the mirrors fade to black.

The room becomes engulfed by the night around the boy and all goes still. He can hear his heart beating in his own ears, for some reason he felt a sort of eerie foreboding.

“What did I just do….”, he whispered with no real answer.

Not until there was a knock on his bedroom door.

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