Chapter 58

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One small detail not aforementioned about The Great Constellation is what he is actually capable of. Stanford Pines is the only person alive that knows some of the extent of what that demon's abilities are.

It wasn't until after he was sucked through the portal that he began to cluster and piece together all of the small things he hadn't taken into account. Here are some notes from the Fourth journal, that he began to write in the fifty-two dimensions ahead of himself.

" After years of studying and preparing to face Dipper, I have found out a few things I hadn't noticed before about the creature that is vital to my research and defeat of him. One, he can only contact this world, otherwise known as the third dimension through his domain of mirrors."

"Dipper uses mirrors primarily to watch and observe us, which I had already taken down in my previous journals in which I suggest to prevent him from looking to cover as many as you can. To add to this, any reflective surface is fair game, watch out for mirrors, glass, windows, even a watch; take it off."

"Two, he's much like the ten types of ghosts that I documented except much worse. Only the people who have summoned him can see him. I experienced this in a store once. In front of a crowd of people, no one saw him.

"He takes advantage of your mind and can only access it in its most vulnerable states. For example, when sleep deprived, having a mental break, or in your sleep. Take good care of yourself and there will be fewer chances for him to contact you."

"Third and most importantly! Don't make a wish! Yes, as I have said they are twisted much like a common monkey's paw (and yes those exist). There's a second half to why they are so dangerous. He twists your words into something terrible and then pursues his own means."

"So long as the wish has been made, anything under its parameters can be done. This loophole allows him to interact physically with the real world! This can range from noises (mostly bells, and chiming), to moving things, seeing things that aren't there, and isn't limited to possession."

"I can note, through personal experience, that he has a minimal amount of time in which he can fully possess someone. Human bodies cannot contain the star beast for long before it begins to amalgamate and lose its form, forcing him to reveal himself."

Ford put down his notebook, with a heavy sigh. He took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

This was the second time that the Oracle had hidden him away. The man felt terrible for always relying on her for refuge. This time, he had ventured out into the other dimensions.

He found it difficult to hide away from the prying eyes of the demon; it was as though he were everywhere he turned. He had a foreboding feeling that Dipper was only playing with him and hadn't yet shown his true power.

This frustrated him to no end, he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. He felt as though he couldn't go anywhere without being watched. Even here, he knew wasn't any safer from the beast's clutches.

In fact, he can find him easier here than in his dimension, here he could touch him, here he could hunt him. He felt like he was being stalked every waking moment.

In defeat, Ford put his head in his hands. His mind was straining for answers, yet he kicked himself. The man knew if he were to let himself go mad the star creature would be able to sniff him out for sure. He took steady breaths to calm himself for a few moments.

"There must be a way....", he murmured to himself fruitlessly.

"You've been writing for a while, take some time to rest.", The Oracle interrupted his flurried soft tangent.

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