Chapter 39

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Dipper’s lungs burned as he coughed, trying to desperately catch up with the demon. He bent over, hands on his knees with a slight wobble; panting harshly.

The trees were the only thing ahead of him now, the boy knew he had to keep going. There was a sinking feeling in his stomach that made it lurch. He didn’t want to think of the consequences of his actions.

Mustering up the strength, he bounded off again. There was a glimpse of yellow that caught his eye.

He double-took and skidded to a stop. Running in that direction he could finally figure out what was in front of him. He came to a clearing, which had been overgrown with vegetation.

He craned his neck upwards at the large rickety structure, his eyes squinted against the midday sun. He saw a silhouette climbing the rail, and immediately he knew who it was.

It was useless to try and yell, his voice was shot from the running. Dipper could hardly catch his breath long enough before he had to move again. His hand grabbed the rungs and he followed swiftly after him.

A breeze blew around the boy shifting him side to side, he huddled tightly against the ladder taking every step carefully.

He momentarily peered at the ground below, it seemed like everything swayed around him. His vision was fish-eyed and tunneled as he looked down.

He blinked that thought out of his mind, stubbornly ripping his gaze back to the top. The demon was already gone, he must have climbed onto the wooden platform above. The boy cautiously climbed, making an effort so as to not lose his footing.

Pulling himself to the ledge, he swung his leg up and he made it safely onto the structure. Everything was aged and it creaked under his feet; just the way he had remembered it.

The boy crept around the circular wooden frame, moving past the red “muffin '' that had been painted on the side five years ago; the water tower.

“Bill!”, he hoarsely called out as he rushed around to find him. The entity’s back faced him, and he forced himself to turn around to look at the boy. His yellow eyes dilated at the sight of him, his face seemed pained at first.

“Ah, so you came to see me off.”, he laughed a little. He puts his hands out in the air in an expressive manner.

“Get down from here, come on… let’s go back.”, the boy said breathlessly. He was worried, fingers getting fidgety.

“I can’t…”, the demon took a step backward, he slowly shook his head in defiance.

“I- I revoke the deal! It’s over, I’m not playing around!”, the boy moved towards the beast slowly.

“It was a nice run, kid …really. You gave me everything…”, the deal moved his foot again. “ There’s only one way back to the mindscape, where I belong.”, a smile started to come across his face.

“Bill no--”, the boy sounded desperate as he moved forwards.

“But, don’t worry I heard that from this height, It doesn’t hurt. Or at least that’s what they say, but what do I know? I’ve never tried it. With this fragile human body, it will be easy, and I'll be gone.”, he shrugs and chuckles humorously.

The entity is attempting to keep a grin on his lips, but it’s easy to see he’s cracking under the pressure of fear. His body shifts backward, more forcefully now.

Everything about this life scared him out of his mind, this was the peak of it. He was gritting his teeth, it was tough to try and resist the spell.

“Stop this! Please!”, the boy was on the brink of tears, did he really care this much for him? He's already lost Mabel, he couldn't lose him too.

That used to be such an absurd and far-away thought, but now he’s here, facing it. "I didn't mean it, you have to believe me!". He pleaded, hurting his throat.

The demon swallows harshly, hesitating before he speaks. “Pine---Dipper before I go. I think you should know that… you make me sick in the most wonderful way. I don’t know how to explain it. But, you do…”

The beast's chest trembled with emotion, but he tried to hold strong for the boy's sake. " day, I'll see you on the other side" He didn’t want this to be harder than it has to be.

The entity was pushed to the edge of the tower where the ground below was ominous and waiting; calling to him. The brunette dashed towards him as he fell backward.

The entity’s hand glowed with a flame again, he looked at it as he descended. “Looks like I failed him too…”

He felt a jerking in his arm. The boy’s hand flung out to catch the demon’s wrist, gripping him in an awkward, flailing position. He wasn’t going to let something important to him slip through his fingers, not again.

“Gotcha!”, he exclaimed with a look of concern on his face, momentarily their eyes met. Why in the world would Dipper Pines save a monster like him?

Bill still couldn't fathom this. He felt victorious as he turned to pull the beast up. “We’re going home.” He furrowed his brows.

The boy reached back out to grab the rail but his hand slipped. Cold metal only grazing his fingertips. The boy yelped and was dragged off the platform by the demon’s weight.

His momentum carried them both downwards. Dipper held tightly to Bill as they began to plummet.

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