Chapter 19 (updated with artwork)

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Dipper had just gotten home and put his things on the couch lazily. The sun was hot out and walking was really his only mode of transport at this time.

He took a minute to take his hat off and wipe the sweat off his brow. He looked down the hallway a chill running up his back. He felt something was terribly wrong.

The air around him was stagnant, and the more he looked into the shadowed corridor before him the more he felt like he was in danger.

He gulped, approaching ever so slowly. Adrenaline began to pump through his veins as he breached the threshold leading out of the living room.

"Bill?", he called out in a weak voice. Dipper swallowed hard, venturing to the staircase. Whispers came from upstairs, they were incoherent and many at a time.

He couldn't quite make out what they were saying they sounded distant. He pulled out his mini-journal, quickly flipping through the pages to see if anything like this could be plausible as his findings over the years would indicate.

His eyes scan the pages until he hears an onset of snickering. He looks up the stairwell as the snickers become laughter. His heart raced, his mind jumping to the worst of situations. This was almost enough to send him into a panic, but something compelled him forwards.

He rushed up the stairs, a wind begins to whirl past him as he does so. He gets to the spare room, which he and his sister fought over as kids. The wind seeps out from under the door ominously. There sounds like there are things moving around in the room in an unnatural way.

His hand locks with the door handle, it's begging to be opened. He turned and pulled on it and it flew ajar aggressively. The laughter was eminent now, uncontrolled.

Objects swirled around the room like a tornado. They shifted and changed, becoming absurd and strange in appearance. Certain inanimate things stuck to the ceiling or walls, others skittered across the floor now containing life.

In the midst of it all the entity morphs from humanoid to geometric as his cackling echos around the space. The whispers now clutter the chaos around the two. Dipper tries to call out to the little monstrosity, but his voice was drowned out by the roaring storm brewing in the room.

"No one will take from me!" the beast says, his back turned away from the brunette. The whispers cheer like a crowd around them. "No one!". Almost as if he's responding to himself in a hysterical manner. "Everything will be mine!" in response the voices chant out, "everything".

Something struck a chord in Dipper just then. Like everything around him was in slow motion. Before he could think, his feet were moving.

Every once in a while he would become this way; like nothing could hurt him. Every once in a while he got a spark of bravery. This was one of those moments.

He moved into the storm until he reached the middle, the beast hadn't turned to him. It was as if he was in his own little world; alone. He got on Bill's level, tucking his knees up underneath himself on the wooden floor, looking down at him with a swelling feeling of empathy.

"Bill.", he said softly, this got the demon's attention as he turned on his little legs to stare up at the boy. Before he could refute warm hands were placed on his tiny triangular body.

Dipper picked the beast up and squeezed him close to his chest. He squirmed and fought against him, turning a deep red. His tiny claws scratched and hit him to no avail.

"I'm here, I'm here're not alone. No one is going to hurt you.". Dipper cooed until the demon stopped. All the weirdness in the room began to die off. Items fell to the ground and the wind died down.

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