Chapter 26

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The older man tromps down the steps, and dipper could feel a change in the atmosphere as he came into the room. He sits stone cold in his seat, almost as if his feet had been cemented to the wooden floor. Ford comes over to the younger boy, standing over him; the brunette is speechless.

“I’m proud of you Dipper.”, Ford says gruffly as he engulfs his nephew in his arms. The younger boy is beyond confused at this point as he felt just a minute ago that a volcano was about to erupt. “You’re doing so well for yourself. I think you’ve grown up into a fine young man.”, he gives a small chuckle before letting the boy go.

“B-b-but what about?-and you know- aren’t you?-wait-”, Dipper stammers as his mind runs in circles. Ford only shakes his head and puts a hand on his nephew’s shoulder.

“I’m not in the least bit angry. You deserve to make the choices you feel are right in your life and I respect that.”, he leans in closer, “still…be careful.”. Dipper knew exactly what that really meant. Though his great uncle was good at hiding it, his words weren’t entirely true. Under the calm and placid facade lay a seething torrent.

“So, you guys got it all taken care of?”, Stan cocked a brow at the two who bore an eerie resemblance in personality.

“Sure did, and, I didn’t even need to use my weapon”, Ford said with a smile. “Dipper here has the situation in a bag. But, it would be nice to keep us updated.”, he squints at the younger boy.

“Uh-heh-yeah, I’ll be sure to do that.”, the brunette said scratching the back of his neck.

“Anyways, we will be off. But around nonetheless. I’ll fill you in on the way Stan.”, he says jovially putting a hand on his brother as they are headed out the door. “Oh, and Dipper.”, he said catching the boy’s attention one last time. “Keep an eye on him.”, his nephew only nods as he shuts the door.

Dipper lets out the biggest sigh of relief. Curiosity sprung to the forefront of his mind. What could Bill have possibly said to convince his great uncle to stand down like that? And, why did ford say those things?

He had to know. Just like that, he found himself back in the room looking around. No sign of the demon.
He double-took and then called out for him. He heard a response from across the hall, suppose he had made it that way without anyone noticing. The boy peeked around the corner, Bill is just washing his face in the bathroom sink. Dipper walks in and leans against the doorframe.

“What happened.”, he demanded more than asked him.

“I was honest with him.”, he said drying off his face.

“That’s all…”, dipper said as his expression became a skeptical scowl.

“I also told him about our deal…”, he said folding the rag carefully.

“Of course you did.”, the boy became huffy and red in the ears.

“I thought I should be up and around….what?”, Bill said as he caught sight of Dipper’s rising temper.

“It’s nothing.”, he said flatly.

“Don’t take this out on me, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Dipper scoffs, “Oh? Like all the other times, huh?”, he’s definitely been holding back this resentment for a while. “Are we just going to be honest about those too.”.

“You have every right to be mad at me, Pinetree.”, he looks to the side. “Sixter too…”. His fist clutches into a ball and then softly untightens. “I don’t even know why you put up with me…either of you. I also don’t see why you try to cover for me with your sexuality; that’s the second time now.”

Dipper furrows his brows at him. “So, you read my mind again.”

“No, these walls are just paper-thin.”, he walks over to dipper and pokes him in the chest. “Let me fall for my own faults. And, don’t you ever put yourself before me in that way, especially if it’s not out of the good of your heart?. I know that I've done horrible things to you. It’s sick if that means you are somehow keeping me around to get back at me, you know who that sounds like…”.

Pained yellow eyes stare daggers into Dipper’s as he pushes him aside. Images of former Bill come crackling back to the boy from five years ago.

“I’ve changed, maybe you haven’t.”, Bill says as he walks past him down the stairs. “If you wanted me gone that badly you shouldn’t have made the deal.”

Perhaps, it was about time that Dipper Pines realized he had been purposefully overlooking some things about himself. One ugly sliver of his subconscious reared its nasty head just then, the part that still wanted Bill to hurt. His former enemy had previously been a scapegoat for all his problems; things are different now. His issues may be more deeply seeded than they seem.

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