Chapter 66

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"Don't touch that button!", Stanley screamed across the vast ever chaotic space in which was the portal room.

The twins had taken it upon themselves to deactivate the portal and derail whatever plans their great-uncle had in store for this said doomsday.

All three participants in this act stopped dead in their tracks staring back at the old man. The timer in which sounded numbers in reverse continued to count down, bringing the family perpetually closer to whatever lay beyond that portal.

Bill and Mable had a fear of what might come stepping out of it. The thought of that demon making his way through was almost enough for them to have refused their uncle's words outright.

Something in his eyes read as pure and heartfelt desperation, which was the final switch to stall the trio from ending it right there and then.

"Please listen to me! Kids, I can explain!" Stanley pleaded. The people that stood before him all bore expressions of worry and seriousness. The alarm bells were ringing not only on the outside but also in everyone's minds.

There was a tangy smell of wrongness in the air that no one could quite place. It was strong enough to push everyone to their limit.

There was no time to think as the kids lunged for the button, as they did so the gravity anomalies serged again causing all things being weighed down to become uprooted and drawn up into the air.

The portal was attempting to pull things in, every soul in the room clung to what they could for dear life.

On the other side of the portal, the beast encroached ever closer to the beaten-down man. The demon has a deep look of malice that lies behind the slits in his eyes.

He stopped, seemingly contemplating as the clicking of his shoes slowed. He purred but for only a moment before letting a smirk happen upon his lips.

Ford looked at the creature with a face twisted in confusion and desperation, he could hardly keep hold of his weapon as he clutched it to his chest from the floor. The beast let out a disappointed sigh and turned on his heel.

"Crawl back to your pitiful dimension. It will be gone soon anyway. Enjoy it while you can.", Dipper scoffed softly before walking away.

The portal was left ajar, the man felt it was a trap but wasn't taking his chances with the star monster in there.

He waged a war against his body to move. He tested the strands of fate in his screaming legs to walk through to the other side.

However, he still had the sense of foreboding deep in the pit of his gut that the demon's mercy wasn't without purpose. He knows the beast too well for that. With that, he passed through.

Bill screamed at his sister to deactivate the portal as his great-uncle protested the notion. She was torn between two of the most influential people in her life trying desperately to take in both sides.

Yet before she could press the button a loud booming flash of white light flooded the room as a man slumped into the space. He was not triumphant, he was not standing tall.

The portal closed behind the man as the slurry of weird anomalies died off with the artificial wind.

Everyone cleared their vision, and Stanley rushed over to the person who was hardly standing. He did not protest the help, nor did he seem to comprehend exactly where he was at the moment.

He was dazed and obviously battered. All was still for one person in the room however as the chaos ensued with panicked looks and actions.

The blonde-haired boy knew this man. He didn't know how just as his glancing memories had hit him and run before it was happening again. Tears welled up in his eyes as all the people around him helped this unknown man.

He swore he knew him personally, he swore he hurt him. He just couldn't for all he tried to recall how.

(Hello everyone ! I'm so glad to be writing again ! Sorry for the shorter chapter ! I want to finish this strong! I got into a slump after some trouble happened , along with a breakup, but aye , I am back now ! Love you all cannot wait to post again 💓)

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