s.coups - recording room

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word count : 845


as you were cooking dinner for yourself, you heard your music that was playing from your phone being interrupted by text messages. you looked over at your phone and saw text messages coming in from multiple members of seventeen.

you picked your phone up and looked over all of the messages you had received.


[ mingyu ]
can you talk to s.coups? he's locked himself in the recording room again...


[ dino ]
noona! can you come here and talk to s.coups hyung? please!

[ jeonghan ]
seungcheol is being weird again. can you make sure he eats something tonight? we're getting worried.

[ hoshi ]
hey y/n. can you come by tonight? s.coups has been in one of the recording rooms all day long.

we tried talking to him, but he won't leave.


[ minghao ]
y/n noona, can you come by or call s.coups? something's up with him.

you replied to all of their texts saying that you would come by once you finished making dinner. you put your phone down and continued cooking, adding some more food to share with your boyfriend, and grabbed containers that you could put the food into. once you were done cooking, you packed the boxes before leaving your house.

a short walk later and you made it to the company building. you made your way upstairs and found some of seventeen in a practice room.

"please tell me that my boyfriend is still sane," you spoke as you walked into the room, interrupting their practice session.

hoshi turned around and shrugged his shoulders, "could not tell you."

"he's stressed over the tour. he was asked to do a solo but doesn't want any help," woozi mentioned and crossed his arms.

"noona, be careful when you go in there. we don't want you to get hurt or something," seungkwan spoke up.

"i think you guys are too scared of him. if you just talk to him, then it'll be fine," you said to them.

mingyu scoffed, "yea, that isn't what happens when we try. it only works with you because you're his girlfriend." the door opened, revealing joshua, wonwoo, the8, and dino carrying bags of food.

"oh, y/n's here?" joshua spoke and smiled at you.

"i'll probably be back once i get seungcheol out of his cave," you said to him before heading towards the door. "bye guys," you said before leaving the room.

you walked through the building and made it to the recording studios. once you figured out which room your boyfriend was in, you knocked on the door and opened it, poking your head inside the room.

s.coups looked back without turning the chair he was on, but his expression immediately softened when he realized it was you. he turned the chair around and gestured you to walk into the room.

"hey, baby," he said and smiled at you.

"hi," you spoke and walked inside, closing the door behind you. "heard you were in here all day," you mentioned and he pulled you into his arms once you were close enough to him.

you hugged him back before putting your hands on his shoulders and looking at him. you kissed him a few times.

"did the guys tell you?" he asked.

you hummed, "yea, they're worried about you," you said as you brushed his hair with your hand. "i made dinner. you should eat," you suggested, "the guys are eating dinner too. do you want to be with them?" you asked him but he shook his head.

"i just wanna be with you," he mumbled and closed his eyes, hugging you even tighter.

you giggled and kissed his head, "okay, but you need to eat something. seriously, i don't want to hear you whine later."

seungcheol suddenly pouted, "i'm not gonna whine." you raised an eyebrow at him, "fine, fine, but i want to cuddle for a bit longer," he said to you.

"works with me," you smiled and hugged him.

the two of you ate dinner together, you making sure that he ate a bit more since he probably didn't eat much today.

"so what did you do today?" you asked him after you took a sip of water.

"working on a song," he replied.

"can i listen to it?" you asked him.


you looked at him, "what, why?" you pouted.

he chuckled, "it's a secret, and it's a special song. no one will be allowed to listen to it until the tour happens. hey, stop with the pout."

"but i want to hear it!" you demanded.


you rolled your eyes and fed him another bite of food. "well, don't work yourself too hard when you work on it. the guys are gonna get scared of you if you keep this "lock yourself in a studio all day" act up," you said to him.

he nodded and swallowed his food. "i won't. promise."

"love you, seungcheol."

"love you more, baby," he said to you. you leaned in and kissed his cheek while seungcheol quickly saved and closed a file named "proposal."

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