dino - moving

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word count : 619


it's 2:00 am. there are boxes in every room; a few items still lingering on the floor.

chan's laptop is playing a video. the device sits on top of one of the boxes, ironically labeled "chan's computer stuff! FRAGILE!" the two of you are bored and should be sleeping, but both of you don't want the night to end.

"do you really need to move home?" dino asks you again for at least the fifth time tonight.

"where else am i gonna go?" you ask him. you're laying your head on the coffee table that is still there.

dino shrugs, "you could move into my new apartment complex. there's always open spots," he says to you.

"chan, i live like thirty minutes away. i can take the subway literally tomorrow if i wanted to," you reply to his suggestion. "you're moving tomorrow too," you remind him.

he pouts, "reality is just hitting, and i don't like it," he says to you, ending with a sigh.

the two of you had roomed together for the year, finishing his last year of school while you finished your third year. you are moving home because on-campus housing costs are getting too expensive for you. it was great having chan as a roommate. he's one of the nicest guys you have met since your first year at school.

"yea, i've been thinking about it too. kind of sad that most of my friends all graduated," you say, thinking about your former upperclassmen friends. "hey, at least i don't live far away," you say to him. "if i lived across the country, then i'd have to send a carrier pigeon," you add, earning a smile and a chuckle from chan. "your place is in the same building as vernon's, right?" you ask him.

"yea, he lives on the ninth floor," chan answers you. "i think i'm gonna text him and catch up with him. i haven't seen him since woozi's show."

"oh, that'd be nice," you reply. "at least you'll be close to friends still," you say and lift your head up from the coffee table, sitting up as well. "i'm sure we'll always make time to hang out."

"hey, do you want to grab something from the convenience store?" chan asks you, knowing that the only food left are some snacks that are already packed up.

"yea, sure. could use some fresh air," you reply.

you and chan leave the apartment together and head to the convenience store on the corner of the block. the two of you are quiet as you walk, but you think about how it'll be the last time you two walk down the street at this hour for the last time. it doesn't take long before you two get to the store and buy some ice cream. you opt to sit on the curb outside instead of sitting indoors since the temperature was really nice.

"haven't done this in awhile," chan says as you two sit next to each other.

"i wonder how much ice cream we've bought from here," you say and take a bite out of your ice cream bar.

"probably enough to fill up the freezer," chan replies. the silence comes back as you two eat your ice cream for a little bit. "hey," chan calls out to you.


"i'm really going to miss living with you," he admits to you.

"yea, me too," you reply to him. "the best roommate i've ever had," you add with a smile.

"oh, so your other roommate was that bad?"

"well, at least she didn't throw water in my face."

"that was an accident!"

"yea right! seungkwan told me he paid you to do it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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