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~The wedding~
The originals 2x14 1.1

Next dayWedding Klaus pov

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Next day
Klaus pov

Elijah and I stood on top from the guests.

"You love her?"i asked him as he looked sad to Hayley and Jackson.

"Of course he does"

We turned around and saw a woman.

"Laila?"Elijah asked as he pulled her into a hug.

"Hey 'lijah"she pulled away and looked at me.


"Hey"i looked down.


She stood between us as we watched the wedding

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She stood between us as we watched the wedding.

"So who of you is the father?"

"Me"i answered her question.

She looked at me.

"-by a one-night-stand"i told her as she nod.

She looked at me before looking down.

Klaus and Laila's pov

God she's beautiful
God he's beautiful

Klaus pov
7 pm

After the wedding in the quarter was a party,Hayley danced with Jackson,Elijah talked with Rebekah who was still in the other body and Freya and I was leaning against a wall drinking.

I saw a figure standing next to me as it grabbed the bottle and drank from it.

"What are you doing here?"i asked it.

"You weren't going to talk to me?"i recognised Laila's voice.

"I didn't do anything"I said.

She laughed.
"Mhmm sure"

"Says the one who just walked away from me"i said as we both laughed.

"Hey umm can I ask you something?"she asked.


"Did,did Jackson ever mentioned me?"


"Umm"i could see she was near by tears.

"It-it doesn't matter,goodnight klaus"i hesitated but hugged her.

At first she did nothing but then hugged me back as I felt tears on my shoulders.

"Let it out.."I whispered as she began to cry.

———The first few chapters are going to be likeReally boring I have to admit but it got better

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The first few chapters are going to be like
Really boring I have to admit but it got better

Unexpected love||The originals|klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now