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3rd person

Laila and Hayley got to the old gym.

"What are we doing here?"

"You said you wanted free time?Laila you a new hybrid aka vampire.if you don't learn how to fight you gonna end up dead"

"So what do you have in your crazy mind?"

"We're gonna get in that ring and you're gonna try and punch me"
Hayley went to the ring.

Laila tried the whole time punching Hayley who always parried as Hayley punched her at the wall of the ring.

"Again"they started again just for laila to fail again.

"Again!come on,you can do better than that"again laila failed.

"Again"Laila used her whole strength as she trow Hayley at the ring which gave her a cut on the lip.

"Look at You,you getting better maybe if you train more you getting better than me"

"Hey,I know my humanity is off and everything that doesn't mean I don't care for you okay?"

Hayley's phone ran.

"Hayley you have to listen to me these witches are coming. They want to kill you-"Hayley got cut off listening as a bunch of witches trow her at the wall.

Laila tried to run to Hayley but the witches stopped her with a analysis.


One witch snapped Laila neck as the others are making a spell trying to rip out Hayley's heart.

"You want my heart?then come and get it!"

The last thing hayley saw is marcel
Coming as her neck got snapped.

Laila woke up as she saw klau sitting one the edge with a worried face.

"What's wrong?"she asked.

"You were out for 1 week..."


"I don't know how but somehow"

Laila laughed at this as she leaned back.

"I didn't turned it off"she said.

"What do you mean?"

"Okay yea I did turned it off but.when me and Hayley were at the church and these witches attacked us,I don't know it just flipped on"klaus smiled as he took her hand in his.

„we have to talk"
"Talk about what?"

"Us.what's that between us?"Laila Said.

Klaus exhaled before looking at Laila's eyes.
"You really wanna make me do it on the old way?"

"Yes"she laughed.

"Okay,okay.do you,Laila Kenner want to be the Girlfriend of the ruthless klaus Mikaelson for the next eternity?"

"Yes"Laila smiled as klaus pulled her into a kiss.

I know the last two chapters are boring but I had to do something between because I couldn't but laila in the last few episodes

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