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~no trust~

9 pm
Hayley pov

I watched as klaus and Laila leaved with hope already missing her.

"When she's back we're leaving town"Jackson said.


"You were right,the Mikaelson's can't be trusted,there're not a good influence for Hope"

"If you think"



Laila pov

Me and klaus came to the mikaelson's as we saw Rebekah half-run to us.

"Aww look how adorable she looks like"

"Yeah,I could persuade Hayley to give hope us a few days"i said as we went into the mansion.

"Hey I'm going to sleep good night"I went up the stairs to my room as a girl stopped me.

"Uhm hey"


"Oh right you don't know me,I'm Freya the sister who was 1000 years with their aunt,dahlia"

"Oh right you,yeah umm is something?"i asked.

"No- yes I wanted to say that even if we don't know each other that long you're always welcome here"she told me.

I smiled.
"Thanks"she smiled before going down and I to my room.

5 days later
Jackson pov

I don't trust my sister.

Yes of course I love her but i don't trust her,especially when she's with klaus,Hayley may have changed her mind about her but I had to act like I forgave her,for Hayley.

I was talking with Mary as Laila came to us.me and Hayley went to her.

"Here,I'm glad you changed your mind,you know if you want sometimes time alone I can take her if you want"she told us not knowing she will technically see hope never again.

Hayley took hope in her arms before walked away with a smile.

I turned to her.

"Yeah uhm,I think there's something you should know"
She looked at me confused.

"We're leaving town tomorrow night"i told her.

"What why?"

"I Uhm Tell you some other time okay?"

Laila looked down before nodding.
"Fine okay"and walked away.

"Well that was short"and went to Hayley again.

You think these few chapters was something?honey,this story is just really starting next chapter.

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