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~the originals 3x18~

1 week later
3rd person

Laila had bought her own house because she said she need "privacy" or maybe it's because Lucien can't come in.

Laila was reading a Book as her front door unlocked.

"It appears I'm unable to enter"

"So is every other vampire.I put the lease in my neighbours name and compelled her to forget.I can go get her and have her invite you in"

"No.you were wise to take precautions.no one should be invited in.not even me.I only came to see that you were safe"klaus wanted to walk away but Laila stopped him.

"Klaus.I haven't had the chance to tell you how sorry I am about Finn.losing a sibling is Awful"

"Yea,well,I'll find solace when Lucien is dead"

"And what about aurora?it's bad enough that Lucien's bite could kill You.by now she could be just as powerful and if you still harbour feeling for her-"
Klaus cut her off.

"I don't care about aurora.I care about you.I-I love you"

Laila smiled before klaus walked away.

Laila was banging against the compound when Hayley came to her.

"What's wrong?"

"It's klaus.Lucien has him"laila said as she stepped into the compound.

"Tell is what happened"

"Lucien ambushed him.he knocked him around like it was nothing"

"Did he bite him?"hayley asked.

"No,I think he wanted him alive.I-I followed them.Lucien took klaus back to the penthouse"Elijah phone began to ring.

"Lucien is demanding my presence.the whiskey cask.alone and immediately.he says if I delay Niklaus will die"

Klaus screamed as Lucien made a cut into klaus's stomach with the papa tunde blade.

"That does look uncomfortable.is it to tight?"

"No,I think it fits just fine"aurora said.

"Those chains and that wood were crafted by ancient Egyptians keep on suppressing all sorts of evil.nothing supernatural can escape.not even You"Lucien washed the blood off his hands.

"You see,I've been stockpiling such items for a long long time,planning this moment for centuries"Lucien walked behind klaus.

"Tell me,how does it feel knowing you've been outdone by your better?"

"You think you are my better?i think your upgrade has infected your head,made you as delusional as her.at least now you're truly a pair.I'll be sure scatter both your ashes in the same patch of bog"

"Was that a hint of fear in his voice?"


"Usually your taunts and threats are so much convincing"

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