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~the originals 3x9~

3rd person

Laila sat downstairs as a compelled woman dropped blood into a glass.

"Did they like- pay you?"she asked the compelled one.

"Handsomely and with a generous Christmas bonus.isn't that right?"klaus said as he walked to the woman grabbing the glass.

"So you just compel her to nod and agree with whatever you say?"

"I compel her to feed me.and to hand the occasional Christmas ornament.she can say whatever the hell she wants" Laila laughed.

"You seem better"
Klaus looked at Laila.

"Why don't you go and help Elijah with Rebekah?i hope it's not to stay and babysit me"

"It's not a good idea for he and I to spend hours together in confines spaces,give that the prophecy foretells one family member felling another"

"You don't think he would hurt you"Laila had her elbow on her knees.

"I don't know what to think"
Klaus breath out.

"That damn fortune tellers predictions continue to unfold despite all our efforts"

Laila leaned back but then stood up.

"Come,walk with me,I'm bored"klaus looked at her.

"Come on"laila took klaus arm pulling him up.

Klaus got a call from Elijah that Rebekah had some bite,making her crazy/a ripper.

"You go,I'll be fine"Klaus walked to her.

"No,when I'm worried about my sisters I don't want to worried about you.right now the safest place for you is with me.please"

Laila walked into Rebekah's room.

"Don't fret.I haven't gone full hellion yet"Rebekah stood up.

"Oh,that's good. I wouldn't wanna have to kick your ass before I get to hug you"the both females hugged.

"You know,I don't really If I want to see Jackson again-"

"Of course you wouldn't want.I mean he and Hayley tried to steal hope from klaus and then you trapped them into their wolf form planning on holding them so"

"Excuse me?"

"You can be lucky I love as my sister but don't think Hayley is family for us nor Jackson.nor you"

"Rebekah,you're wrong.this isn't you"

"I am wrong.I believed me and Hayley could be friends but I don't think so anymore.and Jackson is your twin.so on which side are you huh?Jackson's?or ours?"

"Rebekah-"Rebekah pinned Laila on the wall.

"Jackson side or not you will always chose him on some point"

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