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3rd perso𝕟

Jackson was right now with Hayley and hope on the ground and playing with hope.

As Jackson saw how klaus came he stood up and stood protective in front of Hayley and hope.

"What are you doing here,klaus?"

"You know hope's my daughter too?"he said.

Hayley stood up with hope in her arms.

"Klaus,we've decided that hope won't see you again"Hayley said.

"Are you kidding me?she's my daughter too Hayley!"

"Yeah but the Mikaelson's are not a good influence for her!"

"ENOUGH!"someone shouted from behind.

They turned around and saw how Laila came.

"You know,what about we all calm down,what about you stop acting like you've done nothing in your life,klaus is her father!so I think he deserve time with her too"

"Your suppose to be on our side Lai!"Jackson said. Laila ignored Jackson.

"Hayley,how would you feel when someone would took Hope away from you huh?"Hayley didn't answered which gave Laila the sign that she knows she made a mistake.

Klaus smirked at the sign how Laila defended him.

"So what about I'm gonna take hope with us so the mikaelson's can have time with her too"

Hayley hesitate before giving in and gave hope to klaus.

Hayley hesitate before giving in and gave hope to klaus

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(Laila and klaus!)

Hayley gave Laila hope things she need before klaus speed them to the mansion.


I know this chapter is very short but I had no idea.
And since I started at 2x14 in the originals and I technically forget everything that happened in season 2 I will make it a little bit different but then when I start season 3 it will be more normal.

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