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~Werwolf curse~
~the originals 2x21~
In this chapter something confusing will happen but it will be explained later.
3rd person

Laila and dahlia stood in the city watching klaus getting strength again,by drinking blood.

Laila and dahlia went to klaus.
"You must be hungry,considering what you've endured"

"I've never been daggered.never knew it was such a agonising experience.it does explain why my siblings loathe me"

"You'll need your strength for what's to come,I suggest you replenish yourself.before the storm"dahlia told klaus.

Duzen of compelled human's came behind dahlia and Laila.

Klaus smirked.

"Have you had your fill"dahlia asked after klaus killed all these people gaining his strength again.

"Indeed.I'm beginning to feel like my old self again"
Since it was to much rain the pack couldn't continue to go to the bayou and had to stay in a hut.

Hayley went to Mary.
"How's the little one?"Mary asked Hayley.

"Sleeping through the storm.Mary i appreciate you coming but you should know what you're going up against"

"Ancient witch wants to steal my granddaughter?"
"Not on my watch.I brought you something,might come in handy.in my youth,wolves and witches had a peace.voodoo queen I knew showed me how to use herbs to tell when magic's afoot.combine Solomon's seal and snapdragon and burn them"

"If the smoke is white,all's clear.if it's black,there's a hex in the air.and if it's red,we'll,then you know you're in trouble"

The voodoo went black.
"Just what I thought.the storm ain't natural"

"It's dahlia.she's trying to pin us down"

Jackson comes to them.
"The road to the highway is flooded!Quickest way out is on foot through back roads.what's wrong?"he asked.

"Elijah called.Klaus is gone,we don't know where"Hayley told them.

"That settles it.we gotta get out of here"

"What about the others?"
Jackson looked at Hayley.

"All right everybody listen up!"Jackson told the pack.

"I wanna thank you all for staying with us,protecting us.for the past few weeks.each one of you has shown me more kindness than I have ever know.despite hardship and tragedy.you've all become the family that I always wanted.you're my pack! But I can't let you risk your lives anymore than you already have.the witch is coming! She's powerful and she's not gonna stop! Jack and I will be better off taking hope and getti mg far away as we can...alone.I want you to know how grateful I am for everything that you have offered me! Us.but I can't be your queen anymore"Hayley told her speech as everybody started to kneel.

"You will always be their queen!"Jackson told Hayley.

"What do you mean he's gone?"elijah asked Rebekah on the phone.

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