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~the originals 2x22~

3rd Pov

Dahlia gave in and prepared the spell.

"You're both to quit"
"Are you having misgivings?"

"I was just looking for a polite way to ask,what the hell is taking so long?"

"Well.we can begin now"dahlia said.

"Once we're linked I'll no longer have to sleep for 100 years again.your concerns for my status will ease and I will finally be able to focus on Hope"

"I will only need a single drop of her blood and then her power shall be mine also"dahlia walked closer to klaus and Laila.

"What do you wanna do about freya?"Laila asked.

"She served her purpose.so tonight,at the moon's apex I'll end her life.and once our link is severed the bond I share with your daughter will become permanent"

"Best get on with it then"

Klaus and Laila walked to the table.

Dahlia held klaus hand as she started the spell.

Hope began to cry as Laila walked to her.

"Shh shh shh it's okay it's okay"Laila took hope in her arms trying to calm her down.

Laila watched as dahlia did the spell.

Both gasped loud before letting go of each other.

"With your strength,Klaus will never need to sleep for a century again"

"Well,perhaps one more nap"
Laila gave Klaus a dagger which he hold against his chest.

Dahlia tried to stop him which didn't worked of course.

Both fell to the floor and klaus went grey.

"Wow and what am I doing now?"


She turned around as Freya appeared behind her still with hope in her arms.


Elijah sat in front of gia's dead body as cami came in.

"I'm sorry about your friend-"
"Are You?"

"I'm Not condoning klaus' action.
I know I don't really have to do with this family but I'm trying to help"cami said to Elijah.

Elijah looks up to her.
"Klaus will do whatever he has to do for hope-"Elijah cut cami off.
"Klaus will do whatever he has to do for klaus!"he shouted.

He walked to cami.

"Now hayley isn't answering her phone.now what has he and Laila done?!"

"Don't blame the messager"Rebekah in her original body said.


Unexpected love||The originals|klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now