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~hollow explained~
~the originals 4x8~

3rd person

Hope was walking around a table with a bone circled from salt.

"Hope what's going on?"hayleye asked.

"Mom,do you hear them too?"

"What's going on?"klaus came into the room.

"Look at me.tell me what you heard"

"Voices.they said that we're Are connected to this.yeah,you and me"

"If this fossil has been whispering lies,I'll gladly throw it in the river"

"No.not the bones.the witches.the ancestors.they have a message for us.a warning"

"Tell me what they said"Hayley pushed a little hair off her face.

"They want you to go to st.Anne's church to talk to them.they said you have to do exactly what they say and you have to do it now.before the hollow comes for us"

Klaus and Hayley came to the church.

"It's quit"

"Of course it's quit it's a trap"

"We don't know that Klaus"

"The New Orleans witches have hated my family for three centuries.of course it's a trap"

"The coven protects their own.hopes one of them now,she's part if their legacy"

"Hope is a far cry from a French quarter fortune-teller.and while we're on the subject,she's seven.if anyone wants to talk to her,they should ask my permission"

"You're Gonna be a lot of fun when she starts dating"

"I'm gonna be a perfect gentleman.and should any of her suitors fail to meet my expectations,I'll compel them to the priesthood"Klaus walks closer to Hayley.

4 witches came behind them.
"Oh,look,harvest girls.I assume you speak on behalf of your ancestors"

"Provided that you've come in peace"

"Well that depends on you,doesn't it?"

"We don't wanna fight.we're here to offer a deal.although your brother did murder all four of us,so let's not pretend we're friends"one of the witches said.

"Please consider all pretence of friendship dropped.where are the ancestors?"

"We need your blood"

"That's funny,I didn't hear you say please""klaus sat on the stairs.

"If you want Answers we have to guid you to the ancestors.but since you aren't witches-"

"We need to bend the rules.how?"Hayley asked.

"Simple loophole.you've both bound by blood to a New Orleans witch.we can use the link to your child to cast a spell and link you to audience with the dead"Hayley bit into her wrist letting her blood dropping in the bowl before giving it to Klaus.

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