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~escaped- or not?~
~the originals 3x7~

Laila pov

I woke up in a big bed as I felt arms around my waist which I pulled slowly away.

I sat in the enge of the bed as I put on my shirt.

"We always could repeat that"Lucien smirked.

I turned to him.
"I was drunk. It meant nothing!"

Lucien played hurt.
"Wow,now I'm really hurt"you could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

3rd person

Lucien put on his shirt as he walked into the living room as saw Laila sitting in the couch.

"Oh,don't you look lovely.something wrong?"

"Should I make a list?you tortured kinney,gave him a compulsion lobotomy not to mention you're holding me against my will.and using up all my minutes"
Lucien looked to Her.

"I mean,I appreciate I'm not dead already.but did you think I was just going to smile and eat up?"

"Well,think of all the poor people who are starving in...well somewhere.I'd join you but I've been called to dine with the Mikaelsons"

"Are they going to
Serve your head on a platter?"

"Doubtful. Niklaus and I are allies.now that the evil Tristan is in town.um,let me ask,are you more likely to tell Vincent that you're drowning in a tub of bourbon or awash in a sea of Chardonnay"

"Go to hell"she snapped at him.

"Bourbon it is"
"Do you really think you can trick my Friends into thinking I'm fine?i bet they already noticed I'm gone and try to find me since Rebekah does who has me"

"Well,not within the next few hours.by which time you'll be free from vervain.I'll be able to compel you to forget everything.including all manner of tortures and punishments I might yet employ should you continue to prove disrespectful"

Someone knocked on the door.
"That'll be the nanny"


"This is Anton,a very loyal and very dangerous friend.tread carefully.oh,and Anton,if you should not hear from me by nightfall go on and kill her"

"But do it quickly.oh,and for gods sake don't ask if she has any final words you'll be here through the weekend"Lucien patted Anton's shoulder before going into the elevator.

Laila pov

"I'm bored"I leaned back on the sofa as this Anton watched football.

"Give me a drink"i didn't move.
"Should I stop my thirst in other way?!"he said.

I stood up a mr walked to the beers.

I took one,thought and let the bottle go which lead her to broke.

Anton turned to me as he stood up.

"What the hell!you really wanna die"Anton showed his vampire face ready to attack me but I was faster and bit him.

He screamed as he stept back.
I wiped the blood of my mouth.

"Do you see that?it's a Werwolf bite,few hours your dead!"i said proud.

"You bit-"he cut himself of as the weakness kicked him causing him to fell on his knees.

"Now I just have to watch you die slowly"he speed to me but I grabbed a bottle and slammed it into his head.

Right as his hand with his daylight ring es on the table I grabbed the Brocken bottle cut off his daylight ring finger off.

"Aah!!I'm gonna kill you!"he speed to the other room with no sunlight.

I ran towards the door,opened it and went to the elevator as the door opened.

"Hmm,you must be Laila"a red head said.

3rd person

Klaus trow Anton to the floor as he trow a picture at the wall and walked to Anton again.

"Where is she!"he shouted at him.

"I told you bite me and took my daylight ring,I don't know what happened next!"klaus slammed a piece of wood into his heart as he went grey.Dead and stood up again looking at Lucien.

"This is your fault"

"Well,to be fair of Laila had done as she was told,she'd still be here,so technically it's her fault"

Klaus walked towards Lucien who walked backwards.

"Uh-uh now you may hate me for involving your pretty friend.but I needed your full attention"Lucien grabbed the medallion box.

"Because you certainly not listening to me.despite my nonstop efforts to keep you alive.

Lucien opened the box where the medallion is to see.

"If that really is the weapon that can lock me away for eternity.why hand it over?"

"Prove of my loyalty.yes I sided with Tristan but it's quit clear his devotion to aurora outweighs even the value he places on his own life"

"Take it.it's yours"Klaus took the medallion.

Klaus walked into the compound.

"Lai?Laila!"Klaus picked his own trying to call her but it's just the mailbox.

"It's Lai,leave a message"

"I need- i need to know you're safe.call me back.please"he hung up walked out of the compound again to the house jackson,Hayley and hope live.

Klaus Ringed multiple times at the door as Hayley finally answered with hope in her arms.

"Klaus?what are you doing here?"

"I-"Jackson came.

"What the hell is he doing here?"
"If you could let me speak-"

"No,we said you won't be invited in-"klaus cut him off.

"Laila is missing!"klaus shouted.

Both looked at klaus shocked as Jackson came to the door.

"What are you saying?"

I kinda like it

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