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~the originals 4x5~

3rd person

Klaus walked,trying to make no sound,into the bedroom where Hope was sleeping and saw Hope and Laila cuddle together.

Klaus walked down the stairs looking at a mirror and saw how his eyes changed to blue.

"Hey are you okay?"klaus turned around and saw Laila standing behind him.

"Yeah,everything fine"klaus walked past Laila 'cause he saw a figure walked around and followed it.

"Dad?we're ready to you.aren't you coming?"

"You need to go to the bayou without me"klaus.

"Why?"elijah asked.

"Take Hope,I'll be right behind you"

"What are you saying?"

"My daughter nearly died.I have to make sure the threat to her is over"

"Not without me"

"Brother,marcel loathes you most of all.Freya will help me here.I need to know my child is safe.you,Laila and Hayley can assure that"klaus walked away.

Hayley,Elijah,hope and Laila went to the bayou.
Hayley and Elijah next to each other and hope had taken Laila's hand.

Hope and Laila ran to the door as Mary opened it.

"Grandma Mary!"

"Hello sweetheart,oh,my girls"Mary hugged Hope and Laila.

"I picked you some flowers"Hope gave Mary orange-red flowers.

"Honey darling,why don't you and grandmother Laila go inside.I need to talk to your mama"Hope took Laila's hand as they walked inside.

"I heard you love drawing"Laila said as they walked into her old room.

"Yes,wanna see some?"

"Sure"Hope took out an picture but before she showed it she talked again.

"But don't show mom okay?"
Hope gave Laila the picture.
Elijah came outside and saw Hayley sitting on a blank.

"Growing up,I never belonged anywhere.not in school,not in foster care.I always thought if I could find my parents I'd finally belong somewhere"

"You do belong somewhere"

"I did terrible things to find my family,Elijah.and when I did they were already dead.and now I find out that the same people who killed them are the ones who hurt hope"

"Listen to me.I will not let anything happen to you,do you understand?"

Elijah phone began to rang as it showed Freya.

"What is it?"

"You need to come back to the city or marcel is going to kill
Elijah hung up and looked at Hayley.

Elijah,klaus and Freya had marcel looked up in the Celler in the compound.

"Did you come to gloat?"

"Five years ago,I was forced to make a decision.take your life or lose everything"elijah said.

"Yeah I know.I was there"

"Niklaus was faced with a similar decision today.and here you are"

"And here I am.excuse me if I don't express my gratitude"

"He's changing marcel"

"Oh really?he put me in the same place that i kept him.that's revenge.so,same old klaus"
Elijah stepped closer.

"Well.....I would say that he would describe this as strategy.and you and I both know,he's always regarded you as something of a son.so did I once upon a time.in fact i used to believe that you were the key to my brothers redemption"

"Redemption?he's never gonna change.not even for his own daughter"

"Oh,he already has.she has changed him.you Marcellus.you are not needed,welcome or wanted.you have only been spared purely because you are my brother greatest weakness.and I cannot show any mercy to anyone who would demonstrate threat towards this family.and If indeed you should prevent the redemption.of the cruel,the wicked,the vindictive,Niklaus Mikaelson"Elijah made his way to the cell door and closed it.

"I promise you Marcellus.I will deliver another kind of nightmare.sweet dreams Marcellus"Elijah walked away.

Don't really like it

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