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~goodbye,see you soon~
~the originals 4x13~

Laila pov

We don't know what to do.

Inadu had taken control over hopes body and we had to give her handcuffs to block her.but we can't do that forever.Vincent said he would know something and he would be there any minute.

Me,marcel,Vincent,Rebekah,kol,klaus,Elijah,Freya.we were sitting in the living room as Vincent told us his idea.

"So if you really want the hollow gone from Hope,forever,I have something in my mind but that would means your "always and forever" would end.forever.

"And what kind of idea?"klaus asked.

"We could put the hollow into four people,but that would mean you can't,and I mean can't never get in contact,the hollow can't be near.which means today would be a goodbye.four people"

"Me,Rebekah and Elijah would do it"Kol claimed.

I looked at her but she only gave me a nod saying that it's okay.

"I'm gonna talk with the Hayley"

"What?Klaus no"but klaus didn't listen and walked into Hayley's room.

3rd person

Klaus walked into Hayley's room.

"Hayley i-"

"I'm gonna do it Klaus"Hayley had listen to the plan.

"What do you mean?"
Hayley turned to klaus.

"I know your story klaus.of course I love hope with all my heart but,you deserve a chance to raise her,even though it means I would never see her again.but I promise I will call,write letters and-"


"Yes!you can't change my mind"

Hayley and klaus walked downstairs.

"I'm gonna do it.I'm the fourth person"

"You sure Hayley?"

"Positive Vincent"

"Okay,let's do it"

Vincent had prepared the "circle" with Freya with four sides as the mikaelson came.

"Okay,Laila go with hope into the middle,take the cuffs off when i tell you to"
I got into the middle with hope on my lap as Freya,Vincent,klaus and marcel stood outside and Hayley,Elijah,kol and Rebekah in each Connor.

Vincent and Freya started a spell.

"Take them off!"i took hopes cuffs off as I blue wave came out off her in the middle before placing it into the four of them.

"Take them off!"i took hopes cuffs off as I blue wave came out off her in the middle before placing it into the four of them

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(Replace Klaus with Hayley)

After the light was gone Vincent spoke.

"You have to go now,far away from each other and don't come back"Rebekah with marcel,kol and Elijah speeded away but hayley stayed.

Hope slowly woke up.

"Hope,I love you,I will write you letters,send you cards"

"Mommy what's happening?"

"I love you"Hayley gave hope an air-kiss before she speeded away.


8 months later

Me,Klaus and hope what "rebuild"
The compound.yes we stayed in New Orleans.since Rebekah went off with marcel and kol with Davina New Orleans was a normal city again. Witches who were practicing magic in the quarter again.vampires,Werwolfs and humans.

Hope had understood and accepted that her family was how it was now even though she was was sad because Hayley didn't even wrote 1 letter even though she promised her,and now broke the promise.

Klaus and the We're married.after 2 months he asked me.

Even when the whole family couldn't come they knew and they were happy that klaus had found love in his life.

After 4 months klaus and decided I would adopt Hope since she's technically mom-lost now.

You can tell she was happy with that.she started to call me "mom" after 1-2 months and I'm happy.

Freya and keelin became a couple and bought a house in New Orleans,since then they both,me and Vincent would often go to Rousseau's,sometimes klaus would come too.I'm even surprised Vincent and klaus made peace but I can't officially tell if they are friends.

And can you believe that Alaric and klaus built a school together?like Alaric built it but klaus helped it to pay but still they get along now.

And the worst part,Elijah had let his memories forget.

End off season 4!
Wow only one more season to write and it's over

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