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~strix party~
~the originals 3x4~

3rd person

Laila walks into the old church which is now a gym as Elijah aggressive trained.

"Something the matter,Elijah?there's something that you wanna talk about like, the strix?"
Laila began to read from the letter.

"I do hope you can come,old chum.signed,Tristan"Lila showed him the letter.

"I was giving Hayley,hope since they can't without me calm down hope,when some random
Vampire dropped it off"

Elijah grapped the letter.

"You care to fill me in?"
"This isn't your concern"Elijah tried to walk away but Laila grabbed his arms forcing him to turn around.

"I think it is"Laila pushed Elijah with her Werwolf speed against the wall.

"So why don't you cut off the protective macho crap and tell me who the hell are the trix?I'm a part of this family too elijah since I moved in with you and babysitt hope always"

Elijah flipped them around.
"You really wanna know?"

Klaus walked into the living room seeing Freya doing yoga.

"What are you doing here?"klaus asked.

"I live here?"

"Yea,obviously.I just hadn't realised you were back from wherever it is you go to when you leave.perhaps I was thrown off by the lack of strange gentleman callers perusing the contents of my refrigerator this morning"

"Your concern for my whereabouts is,touching"

"I simply want to know who is here at any given moment.I hardly think that's to much to ask"

"Well,as long as we're taking attendance"Laila and Elijah walked in.

"Oh good it's my not-so-loving elder brother and his best friend.what a nice normal family gathering"

"Charming,Elijah was just catching me up on how you have no clue which one of your long lost buddies you can trust and which one is trying to kill You"
Laila Said.

"Well,clearly what the situation needs is more opinions.I assume you told her about the bloody prophecy?"laila turned by the sentence to Elijah.

"I was just getting to that"
"Now would be good"

"Well,it appears my old mate Lucien which you already know,has acquired a genuine seer And in an effort to prove his good intentions,he got her to show us some rather dire visions of future doom it's grim stuff,really not for the faint of heart"

"Who's doom are we talking about?"laila asked him.

"Because if it's yours then I think we're all okay with that"klaus laughed.

"Well,sadly we're all on the chopping block"
Klaus starts walking towards laila.

"But chin up,this witch claims her visions are constantly evolving.so you may just get your wish"
"Well I wanna meet this psychic witch"

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