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~back to New Orleans~
~the originals 4x3~

Laila pov

Me and The Mikaelson's were standing outside the house the next morning waiting for Hope to wake up.

"What's the holdup?all right we rescued nik,we escaped mortal danger.why are we not on a private jet to st.tropez?"Kol pulled the news paper from elijah's hands.

"You can catch up the last five years when we're on our way.I assure you,you haven't missed much"

"Circumstances have changed.we will leave here soon enough"

"We have a niece to consider,Elijah"

"Kol has a point.we need to put an ocean between us and marcel Gerard as soon as possible"freya stood between Rebekah and Laila.

"We're not going anywhere today.I want one day of peace wo the my daughter before we uproot her"

"Any delay is a risk"

"One day!we're in the middle of nowhere,the house is cloaked.we weren't followed an I'm not asking!"the door opened and Hayley came out with hope.

"Everybody,look who's awake"I looked at her smiling.

"Hello..."god this voice is so cute.

"Hello"klaus said not really knowing how to react.

"Mom,can I go play in the garden?"

"Yeah sure"hope went down the stairs to her table with her paint things.

"What terrible things did you tell her?"I asked her:

"I told her you're both are hybrids,like me.I also told her that you're very old.older than that,she's seven.we can wait to share that gory detail"

"Well,someone must have disappeared me.perhaps that crone Mary-"

"Stop.I've spent five years protecting her from everything including all the horror stories floating around about you.she doesn't know your history.what she does know is that you protect your family.no matter what"

"And yet she fears me"

"She's a sensitive kid.and you're not exactly calm right now"

"You were her fairy tale prince,klaus.and now you're real.you have a lot to live up to"i walked with Hayley inside.

We were sitting in the living room as I saw from the window klaus painting with hope.

"So she does have things from him?huh"

"Yeah she can't one day without painting something.she even painted on the wall once because we didn't have paper anymore"I laughed but smiled at the father-daughter view.

"And what did you told her about me?"i asked.

"I told her she's your goddaughter,that you're dating her father and that we're friends.and also I think you should spent time with her too today"

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