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~the originals 3x5~

3rd person

"So,so my first-sired wants to kill you,yours wants to kill me.makes you regret turning any vampire in the first place"klaus said to Elijah as they walked into the compound.

"Well the division Labor seems crystal clear,two of them, two of them two of..."Elijah stopped as they saw Laila in front of a dead body with a letter in her hand.

Klaus walked to Laila and the body as Laila gave him the letter.

As he finished reading he gave it to Elijah.
"'Roses are red,lavender is blue.come find me before I find you'"Elijah read the letter.

Klaus looked at Elijah as he realised who wrote it.

"Hello?can someone tell me what's going on?"but both brothers ignored her.

"So she's back,why now?"
"She wants us to find her,so let's"Elijah was checking the pulse maybe having a little hope but nothing.

"Are you so eager,Niklaus?last time you even said her name was 1000 years ago.When you told me to never speak it again in your presence"Laila still stood there confusing not knowing who this person they talk about is.

"So,I'm to wait as she leaves her little calling cards all over my home?"

"There's something you should know"Laila decided to go to her room since the both brothers decided to ignore her.

"When mother seized control of my mind,unleashing those monstrosities that lurk behind the red door,I saw something"

Elijah stood up and walked to klaus.

"Aurora was there"
"If you mean to confess a thousand-year old secret that will divide us after our hard-won reconciliation,then te ansolvo,brother.there's nothing you could have done involving her that would be worse than that she did to me"

"Please do not dismiss this-"
"Whatever it is it can wait.we have a plate of here-and-now problems and I mean to clear it.if it makes you feel any better,we can kill
Aurora together..then neither of us need play her little mind games ever again.hmm?"klaus let go of Elijah and out.

Klaus walked into a perfume shop after Elijah and klaus tried to find obstacles of aurora.

"I knew you would come for me"a voice spoke.
Klaus turned around.

"The one and only"

"A thousand years...Can it really been so long?looking at you now it feels like yesterday"

"If yesterday were the apocalypse"
"Are you saying that leaving me felt like the end of the world?"aurora asked.

"Leaving You alive"
Aurora chuckles.

"I notice elijah's not with you,was he reluctant to tag along?"

"On the contrary.he's been calling me incessantly since I ditched him
To find you,raving about some ancient secret.and the possibility of using your head as a footstool"
Aurora smiled.

"Well,I'm sure he would rather have his footstool than have me share that little secret"
klaus and aurora walked in circle.

"Let me guess,in the time between being with me and seeking refuge in the arms of your brother you sleepy with mine"

"Oh,your accusation are so banal.the truth is,I've never been with your brother.he's not in the way you think"

"Why are you here aurora?"

"I don't know,maybe I missed you"

Klaus looked at her as aurora spoke again.
"I'm here for the same reason Lucien and Tristan are.to protect my sire.and since you didn't wanted to turn me. ...where the hell is Rebekah?"

Laila got thrown against the wall as she fell to the floor backwards.

She looked up and saw Lucien as she stood up again.

"First of all:au! Second of all:what the hell?"

"Laila,so good to see you.I've been dying to get you alone"
Lucien picked her phone up as she grabbed it.

"Why are you here?"she asked him.

"Hmm.."Lucien grabbed her chin but she turned her head away.

"You can't hurt me,it won't end well"

"Mhm yea,you think because you know someone like klaus,you think he would do anything to protect you?you have no idea what I'm capable of.but you are about to find out"Lucien tried To grab her which caused her to grab his arm,twisted it.

"I don't think so"Laila snapped his neck as she speed away with her wolf speed.

Klaus wanted to leave the store as auroras voice stopped him.

"I know about her!"klaus turned to aurora.


"Laila,that little wolf,so sweet had no idea who I was"klaus came
Closer to her.

"I swear aurora if you touch her I-" "You what?kill me?"

"Yes"aurora laughed.
"Believe it or not I quit like her"
Klaus had enough and snapped her neck before speeding away.

Elijah was having a drink before hearing klaus coming into the compound.

"She told you.how convenient to voice this ancient grievance in the very moment we need to stand united against our enemies"

"You speak to me of enemies,when the greatest is standing right in front of me"

Klaus Speed to Elijah slamming him against the table which broke as they stared a fight.

"Stop it"Laila shouted which caused them to stop and looked at her.

"Can PLEASE someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

Short chapter,I actually like it.

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