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~the originals 3x16~

3rd person

Klaus,Hayley with hope and Laila came into a bar.

"Now I can see why you wanted to come here.I feel safer already"

"We're closed"the Barkeeper

"You don't look close"klaus said.

"We are for you"

"Well,perhaps you failed to
Notice that hat"

"I'll take a bourbon,unless Hollis is still serving the moonshine of his?"

"I'll be damed"
Another barkeeper came.

"I got this,it's been a long time since you danced on my bar,Hayley Marshall"

"It's been a long time since I danced on any bar.I get into a different kind of troubles these days.Hollis meet hope"

"Aww,look at her.ah,a city boy huh?wouldn't have guessed that"

"Never underestimate the allure of indoor plumbing"klaus took his hat off.
"Hollis,this is klaus.he's my daughter's father and his girlfriend Laila.it's a long story,we just need a place to lay low"

"You picked a pretty rough time for us around here.lot of folks are giving up on the pack altogether"

"But,I'll make the moonshine for you and baby drinks for free"

The three where at the car as Klaus buckle up hope.

"Let's get out of here,shall we?"

"Klaus,there're a scared kid out there and I can't just turn my back in her"Hayley said to klaus as they argued that Hayley wanted to help a kid which she was babysitting years ago with her first transition.

"And tragic as that may be,it's not my problem,neither is it yours.get in the car.we're leaving"

Hayley speed in front of Klaus.
"We're not going anywhere"

"And I suppose you're gonna stop me?perhaps you'll get Cletus and your other foul-smelling friends to help"

"Those friends of mine are helping us klaus.no questions asked.despite the fact that they have problems of their own.and all you have done is insult them.you don't get it ,do you.this is the exact reason why we're here maybe if you hadn't been a dick to,I don't know,everybody.then we wouldn't even be on the run"

"I have always done what I needed to do to protect our family from numerous enemies I make no apologies for my methods"

"Do you even hear yourself,klaus?you're incapable of even pretending to be a good person.and you can justify it all you want with strategy and us versus them.but at the end of the day,the enemies that you have are the ones that you made.is that what you want for you daughter?is that how you want her to see the world?I'm not just gonna stand back and let you raise to be just like you,klaus"

"If it's your impulse to trust in the kindness of those outside the family,all more reason you need my protection"klaus wanted to open the car but hayley pushed it back closed.

"I am gonna go speak to that girl because she needs my help.you're gonna stay here and shut up.I've earned at least that"

"Hayley listen to me-"
"There's a very good chance that one day,our daughter will be dealing with the same thing kayle is dealing with.and if that days come I hope that someone makes it their business to help her too"hayley steppt closer to klaus.

"Being kind doesn't make you weak,klaus"

Klaus came to a corner of the woods finding Hayley with the girl.

"Where's hope?"hayley asked.

"With Laila.you trust her,I trust her.baby steps as it were"

"Seems I owe you an apology.I have given you 1000 reasons to abandon me.but you haven't,yet.so thank you.for my sake and for our daughters.perhaps you're right"klaus sat next to Hayley.

"Perhaps.it is time to start living.not by my decisions,not by yours but by why we together decide"klaus looked at tree as he saw a familiar face.

"What's wrong?"
Klaus stood up walking to the tree.

This was not a random attack.these wolves aren't just disappearing.there're being hunted"

Not really like this one because I couldn't fit Laila in it

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