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~the originals 3x1~

3rd person//Klaus pov 1002 a. Chr.

[Our mother had made us into beasts that fed in blood.

But immorality was beyond our grasp. Compulsion a trick we had yet to learn.

All we knew was a fear of being hunted]

A man with a carriage stopped in the middle of the forest when he heard strange noises.

[that, and a terrible hunger]
[so we ran.as a family]
[and when we needed to...as a family...we fed]

Rebekah grabbed the man and drank him empty.

"Kol,are you quit some yet?"

"Oh bother Elijah is all this truly necessary?"

"Brother,the road is a major thoroughfare if the bodies are found! Word of our presence will spread to mikael.

"We have ran through autum and winter through sleet and snow are we cures forever live in fear of our father?"Rebekah asked.

"I should say yes,sadly"

"Do you have any idea where we are running next?"the female mikaelson asked

"Why not just do what we've all thought of doing?split up"Kol offered.

Present|3rd pov

Klaus stood in front of a picture of centuries ago.

"Always and forever,indeed"and walked away.

Freya is writing Rebekah a letter since she decided to go to the witch body again.

"Dear Rebekah.I hope this finds you well.I wrote offer an update and to ask your advice.our brothers remain at odd.Klaus and Laila will never apologise...not for only for siding with dahlia not for Hayley's suffering hayley continue to endure.and Elijah cannot forgive them.despite my efforts,we are a house divided.which is not to say I have no good news.Niklaus kept his word,marcel controls The quarter.there he has founded a fight gym in the old st. Anna's church.where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community.Elijah has begun joining him for sparring.I believe it helps him to work through his anger.and he has such anger.while Laila continue to take care of hope it is clear she misses her mother whenever Laila's not with her.though Niklaus remains the doting father,he has been of no help In finding a cure for Hayley's curse nor did Laila helped.despite my best efforts,I've yet to find a means to undo the spell placed in her and the crescent wolves.and Hayley herself to struggle.unable to see her child except for once a month in the full moon.And we're in no position to ask for outside help.davina's rage at our family has only grown.and as regent of all covens.she's far too formidable to be swayed.meanwhile,Niklaus had begun to see Laila more often.I think he's in love,but that's my opinion.I wonder if you would write me with any advice you have to how to heal their bond.until then,I remain your loving sister,Freya.
Klaus had invited Laila to his secret he would hide his paintings.

Laila turned to him.

"Thanks for coming"

Unexpected love||The originals|klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now