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~see you soon~
~the originals 3x19~

3rd person

Laila woke up on the ground as she saw a bite on her arm.


"Ah,Laila finally Awake.perfect.you've got a big day ahead of you"

"You bit me"

"Sample quite a bit of your blood,actually.it was very tasty.although more bitter than I expected"

"I'm gonna die...you bastard I did nothing!"

"Yeah,apologies.but to be honest your days were numbered the moment you caught nik's eyes.'tis ever thus for those who gets close to the bastard.myself excluded.ah,care for tea?"
Laila throw a knife at Lucien's neck as she speeded out.

"Klaus?"Laila softly shouted as she entered the compound.


"What is it?"

"Something happened and you're gonna be angry.but Lucien wants you to be angry.he's trying to lure you into a trap"

"What did he do?"Klaus steppt closer to laila.

"Promise me you won't fly off the handle and do something crazy.promise me"klaus grabbed Laila's arm as he lifted up her sleeve and saw the bite.

"Before you lose it...klaus,look at me.I love you.and i won't let you get yourself killed"Laila lost her balance as she fell into klaus arms.


"I just needed you to know"

"I can tell you I love you tomorrow"Klaus took laila in bride style.

"You're not dying today"

Laila was sitting on the couch as spinned.

"Laila?"Laila almost couldn't hear Hayley talking.


Laila snapped back into the reality.

"Are you alright?"

"Hold still.this is going to burn"klaus sat in front of laila on the table.

"Ow,what is that?"

"It's a healing salve.motherwort,white willow bark.the recipe is over 1000 years old"freya explained.

"So the good stuff huh?"

"It will ease the pain.dull the symptoms but.it won't stop the infection"

"So I'm screwed"

"We're gonna do everything that we can,cami"Hayley tried to calm down Laila.

"To that end,a little assistance"elijah came in with Vincent.

"Cami i'm so sorry"

"Yous should be.this your fault.it was you who turned Lucien into a beast-"

Unexpected love||The originals|klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now