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~the originals 3x15~

3rd person

Laila was with Vincent in the church/gym as she trained with a punching bag.

"Come on now,Defense.keep your hands up"

"Up?I'm at least a foot taller than aurora.not that'll stop her from kicking my ass"Laila started to punch again.

"Aurora?i thought Klaus took care of her"

"According to Hayley he said he condemned her to a fate worse than death.translation,not dead.which means sinner or later I'm screwed"Laila's punches got harder as she let her wolf come out.

"She turned me thinking it would make Klaus run into her arms.it didn't.so once she gets out of wherever she is,ripping my heart out will be number one on her to-do list!"Vincent let go the bag as Laila did a punch with her feet.

"Whoa there"

"I'd figured he'd
Rip her head off.he didn't"laila started to punch again.

"So you scared that she's gonna come for you?or that there's a reason klaus didn't kill her?"

"Or we can not talk and keep biting things"

"Rather foolish of you to come here alone"klaus pinned davina against the wall who walked into the compound as someone pushed klaus to the floor.

"She didn't come alone,brother"


"It can't be you"

"It is when I broke your sire link it created a surge of power"

"You stole the nexus vorti"Freya said to davina.

"And brought your brother back from the death"

"Yous should be thanking her"Kol stept to them.

Klaus looked at Kol.
"Come here"Klaus pulled him into a hug.

Klaus stepped back as Elijah came to him.

"Hello Elijah"

"You haven't aged a day"

"And you?"


"Ah yes long lost sister.speaking of twists and turns of our family tree,where might Rebekah be?"

"That's Umm a log story.and one reserved for family.Davina can see herself out"klaus said.

"Are you-"
"As per usual,our family faces a multitude of threats.the sooner you become acquainted with them,the better.I won't have you distracted-"

"By Davina?you know if you could only pull your head out of your-"

"Kol,it's okay.I'll go"


"You can make it up to me"
"And I will.dust off that fancy dress.because tonight we're going dancing"

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