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~the originals 3x3~


3rd person

"Hey! It's now jazz fest. Some of us have toddlers that need to sleep!"hayleye shouted at the band outside their hous.

Hayley closed the window as Hope continued to cry.

Jackson came as Hayley cleaned a little up.

"All right?"

She wast having a nice nap,until that stupid music woke her up.how are we supposed to live with all this noise?"

"You're Just sensitiv to it,okay?we spent six months as wolves in the bayou,Hayley we've been back a day i think it's okay to take a minute to adjust"

"Easy for You to
Say,you're not half vampire,everything for me is heightened"
"It's not just the noise.I'm claustrophobic,my skin is crawling.I'm irritable.I'm hungry"Hayley add.

"I wanted to be with her and now I am and I just feel off.I think we should give Laila hope for a few days just to relax a little"Hayley said.

"What?!no never everyone but not the Mikaelson's nor laila!"


"Why?she fucking sides with klaus,which she is still and had the idea to stuck us in the wolve form forever!"

Lucien was at the police station as they asked him as they know about the kills that is going on in New Orleans.

"Huh i read about this"
Lucien looked at the body's.

"Oh,those poor men.though I'm life anything but poor"
Vincent and Laila were outside still listening.

"Hey look I may heard from the deaths but you don't think I did it right?"

"Oh,we don't think it don't worry"
The police officer said.

"Oh well,then I shouldn't be here long more"Lucien told him.

"People Like me tend to have exceptional lawyers to get me out of situation like this"

Lucien made a pause.
"But while I'm here you should know that I hate to
Be bored.and you bore me"

Lucien stood up.
"I know that behind the mirror is Laila Kenner"

Lucien started to compell him.
"And I would very much like to talk to her,alone"

The officer stood up
Walking towards the door as Lucien waved at laila.

Laila starts walking towards the door as Vincent stopped her.

"No,you're not going in there!"
"Vincent,he's not gonna kill me in the middle of a police precinct"

Laila walked in and sat on the chair.

"You asked to spoke to me.here I am willing to listen.which if I'm going to be honest is more than you deserve"

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