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~the originals 5x6~

Laila pov

I woke up with a headache as I realised I was chained up on a chair in an old house.

"What the?...."

Suddenly the door opened.

"Mom?"hope ran up to me.i looked up.


"What is this?"i looked behind Hope.

"You"Hope turned around as the boy made chains on Hope hands stopping her from
Doing magic.

"I'm so sorry"

This Roman boy gave me water because gods know why as Hope tries to take off these chains.

"What's going on Roman?"

"He's the on that kidnapped me"


"Hope,look I know this looks bad okay but if you just do the binding spell-"

""Binding spell"?what's he talking about Hope?"

"Greta said that if I did the binding spell,then they'd let you live"

"Greta said that?"

"It-it's Just so hope can't make any more hybrids"Roman claimed.

"Our movement is about getting the natural order back,that's all my moms want"

"Wait.greta's Your mom?"i tried to free me.

"Untie me,now!"

"I can't okay?just do the binding spell and you'll
Be fine"

"Nothing will
Be fine for you unless you untie me.you realise that your mother is insane"

"It's not insane to defend yourself okay?werwolves kill to trigger their curse.none of them are innocent.but at least there're a naturally-occurring species.Hybrids are a perversion.look at klaus.and Henry was a hybrid for less than a day before he murdered someone.they're just unnatural"

"At least I know how you really feel"Hope said sad.

"Hybrids have a choice too,Roman.we all have free will.klaus did whatever he did not because he's a hybrid.but because he's klaus.Henry's just a kid.eventually he'll learn sell-control"



"Henry's dead"

"What happened?"

"They tore his heart out and strung him up outside Rousseau's"

"Who did?"

"No one knows"

"I bet romans mother does.think about it.if they did that to some backwards bayou kid that they barely knew,imagine what they're gonna do to us"

Unexpected love||The originals|klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now