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Pete's P.O.V:

I turned to see who was that he just invited.

My eyes widened...

The guy walked over to us.

"Oh...We meet again" He said referring to me.

I pursed my lips into a thin line and nodded.

Well...I still don't know how he got those bruises I saw on his hands last night but at least the blood was gone.

"Pete...This is Vegas he's my friend...Vegas this is Pete my childhood friend" Porsche said.

"How did you guys meet?" I asked frowning.

"Hmmm...Well...He's Kinn's friend" Porsche said shrugging.

Vegas looked at me briefly before turning to Porsche again and smiled.

"Well...It was nice meeting you two here...I must get going though...My friends are waiting there" He said.

Then walked past us and went to sit at a table.

"Come on let's go to our table" Porsche said.

I nodded and followed him to one of the tables.

"Hey" I said.

"Hm?" Porsche asked not looking up from the drink he was busy with pouring.

"What does Vegas do for work?" I asked.

"Hmmm...I don't know...I never asked" He said.

Then looked up at me.

"Why?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ummm...I was just curious" I said smiling awkwardly.

I couldn't shake the image of the dried blood covering his hands from my head.

SHIYA...Is he a murderer or something?

Wait...He lives in my grandmother's building.

Oh my god.

My thoughts were interrupted when a hand waved in front of my face.

"Why are you spacing out?" Porsche asked.

I took one of the drinks he mixed and downed it in one gulp.

"So...What are you up to after the exams?" I asked.

"Hmmm...Probably going to spend the vacation at Kinn's hometown" He said shrugging.

"Oh come on man...I was counting on you" I said whining.

"I said hometown not house you bastard there's no regulations that doesn't permit best friends from crossing the border" He retorted.

Then took a cigarette and lit it before raising it to his lips.

"Want some?" He asked.

I nodded and took one then lit it as well.

"Let's talk about the elephant in the room" He said.

I blinked twice in confusion.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"You and Praew?" He said as in a matter of fact.

"Oh...That was just a one time thing" I said chuckling awkwardly.

"Woah...I never thought you're the nail and bail type man...You surprised me" He said.

"She was ok with it so what's wrong with that?" I asked.

Then let the smoke out.

Porsche raised the glass to his lips and sipped it calmly.

Adam's Apple (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now