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Pete's P.O.V:

I walked into the court room with Vegas.

"Take a seat" The judge said.

So we both sat down.

Our lawyer presented the evidence to the judge.

He was young but Kinn and Porsche recommended him since he was skilled.

"This is a detailed testimony from suspected accomplice Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham and miss Praew Pinara Rattakul regarding the mysterious business men's murders and how it happened" The lawyer said.

The judge took a look at the file.

"The evidence here says that you were a wrongfully accused criminal isn't that right mr Kornwit?" The judge asked.

"Yes...That's right" Vegas said.

"So...You deny relation to all the crimes you're accused of?" The judge asked.

"Yes I do" Vegas said.

The judge nodded and continued looking through the papers.

"It's said here that you and Tawan were roommates so how come you didn't know of his crimes?" The judge asked.

"The apartment where we both lived was the only place he used...I only discovered about his behaviour not long before he died so I don't know much" Vegas said.

"Then how did you find out?" The judge asked.

"Before I was arrested I was out with my cousin and his friends...When I returned I found a report of a dead body in the apartment and the police asking for me" Vegas said.

The judge nodded.

"With all due respect your grace but I'm sure that this statement is already noted in the testimony file...If this doesn't stop then I'll have to take action against you for pressuring my client" The lawyer said.

"Are you threatening me?" The judge asked.

"Yes...As a lawyer I'm obligated to protect my clients from everything that comes their way...Including elders when they abuse their power especially when the private court room is being on constant record" The lawyer said.

Then pointed at the cameras in the corners of the room.

Me and Vegas looked at each other amused.

"And as a lawyer too...I can take the liberty of using whatever evidence I have" The lawyer said.

The judge raised an eyebrow.

"Mr Teepakorn I'm merely trying to check if the testimony is correct and unforged" The judge said through gritted teeth.

"I believe it has already been proven your grace no need to bother yourself" The lawyer said smiling thinly.

The judge sighed heavily and turned to us again.

"Alright then...Taking the testimonies at hand into consideration and the fact that both mr Damrong and Tawan are both dead...I set Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakul and Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham free of all charges against them...Congratulations...You're now free to go" The judge said.

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