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A.N: ⚠️ ⚠️ This chapter will have mature content ⚠️ ⚠️


Pete's P.O.V:

I was in class when Porsche tapped my shoulder.

I looked up and saw Praew standing in front of my desk.

"Oh...Hey" I said smiling.

"Hey" She said smiling.

Then took out something from her bag.

"These are the notes you asked for" She said.

I frowned in confusion.

Then remembered that I asked for help with studying from the student council.

"Oh...Ok thank you" I said smiling then took the notebook from her.

She nodded and went back to her desk.

Porsche whistled.

"What?" I asked.

"Turning them in by herself? Are you sure she doesn't want more then that night?" Tem asked.

I chuckled awkwardly and shook my head.

"You guys are overthinking she's just being friendly" I said.

"Or maybe you're just dense" Porsche said.

"Hey" I retorted.

"But let's be serious...Praew is literally the hottest girl in our faculty...If you did it with her and didn't enjoy it then...You're not..." Tem trailed off as soon as the teacher walked in.

"Let's just focus on class" I said.

After some time though my eyes started dropping and I blamed my gaming all nighter for that.

I layed my head on the desk.

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder.

So I opened my eyes and looked up and saw Porsche.

"You fell asleep through the entire day" He said.

I chuckled awkwardly and wiped the drool off my mouth.

Too much for focusing on class.

But the college day was over which means I'll have to go back home.

"Hey Porsche" I said.

"Hm?" He asked as he slung his bag on his shoulder.

I stood up and started packing my stuff.

"Do you know how to pick locks?" I asked.

"Huh? Are you crazy? That's borderline trespassing you can go to jail for breaking into someone's house" Porsche said.

"Who said I was talking about a house?" I asked frowning.

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